New School?

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Narrator: There was a boy and his name was-

?: WOAH WOAH WOAH! Are we seriously gonna start form the cheesy part!? Come on narrator let's get to the nitty gritty!

Narrator: -sigh- Can I at least tell the audience who and what where talking about?

?: okay. BUT MAKE IT FAST!

Narrator: fine...

His name what Michel but he didn't have the best of luck... His mom died of murder in 2013 and his father was always drunk and always hit them and punched them and here is his story.


Narrator: you are the biggest moron in the Univers. -_-

?: Shut up you Nerrrrrd!


Michel: *wakes up and looks at clock* what time is it?

Christopher: *walks in the room* Michel are you serious!? It's the first day of school! It's 7:00 a.m. school starts at 8:40 a.m.! Now hurry up before James comes and finds out!

Michel: *gets out of bed* What about Daniela? *yawns and scratches the back of his head*

Christopher: Don't worry she toke the school bus.

Michel: okay well out of my room so I can get dressed...

Christopher: *sees James an pretends he is getting something from his backpack* where are my pencils? *looks at James* good morning dad.

James: Is Michel up Christopher?

Christopher: Yes sir... He's getting dressed right now.

James: *hears Michel struggling to get his shoes one* good now I'm gonna go back to bed and if you or anybody wakes me up I will hit all of you.

Christopher: Yes sir.

*James leaves and Michel gets out*

Michel: oh my god I can't believe your nice to him. He punches you for every little thing! HOW-

*covers his mouth*

Christopher: shhh he will punch both of us if you don't shut up. Now let's go...

-couple minutes of walking to school-

Michel: *looks at phone* It's 8:00... So let's just chill...

Christopher: actually I'm in 8th grade remember so I have to go in the back...*punches shoulder* maybe you will make some friends?

Michel: Owe! I need a hospital! Call the Amberlamps!!!!

Christopher: oh my god Michel you are a idiot. -.-

Michel: xD But you love me for it!

Christopher: yeah I do. Well I gotta go bye Michel.

Michel: Bye Chris... (well this sucks... How am I suppose to make god damn friends...) *sits on a bench and looks and the schedule* okay first period is... Math class... (Okay now do I just wait till they let me in?)

*over hears some girls*

The gang of girls: omg he is so cute. Let's go hang with him!

Michel: (Well damn now I'm gonna be-)

Aubrey: *interrupts* um can I sit hear?

Michel: I don't give a-

Angela: AUBREY! *hugs from behind and we both fall* OH MY GOD I MISS YOU!

Aubrey: I think you broke my bone!

Michel: (who the hell are these people are they sisters? They look nothing alike?) hey are you two sisters?

Angela and Aubrey: No?! We are best friends!

Michel: well can you explains to me where I am?

Aubrey: *.* you don't know what school your in? Are you flipping cereal?

Angela: =_= oh meh god.

Michel: just fucking tell me.

Aubrey: You are in Jordan Middle School.

(A/N I go to Jordan Middle School and it isn't the greatest school in the world it actually sucks a lot)

*bell rings*

Aubrey and Angela: Let's go to class xD!

Michel: okay... Well bye I guess?

Aubrey and Angela: bye! *run with each other into the building*

Michel: -.- well this sucks.


Narrator: well I think we should stop there... That's all folk-


Narrator: ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!

?: what it was?

Narrator: shall I tell people who you are!

?: -gasp- NU! YOU WOULDNT!

Narrator: oh really! His name is-

?: *covers mouth* heh heh heh well that's all goodbye folks!

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