The End

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Felix: We are back with the last part of our creepy tale

Strawberry man: oh man I wish we could have more.

Aubrey: hey guys sorry I'm late.

Felix: oh don't worry this is just the last chapter.

Aubrey: that sucks.

Strawberry man: I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!

Felix: okay well let's get to the story


Daniela women: Hello Police?

Police: yes how can we help?

Daniela: my brother just killed our step dad and I don't want him to kill me or big brother next.

Police women: okay sweetie just stay on the line with me. What's your name

Daniela: It's Daniela.

Police women: okay Daniela Just stay with me.

Daniela: Oka-

Michel: *sees the phone in her hand and grabs it* ....


Police women: hello? Daniela? Are you okay!?

Michel: don't worry she's fine(for now.)

Police women: WAIT WHOS-!

Michel: *gives Daniela a crazy look* Why Would you call the police sis? I thought you loved me?

Daniela: Please don't hurt me?

Michel: But love hurts.

*grabs the hammer that's on the table and smashed her head with hit* TELL ME SIS! TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!

Daniela: *crys* WAHHHHHH! BIG BROTHER HELP!!!!

Michel: *grabs the needles and thread out of his pocket*

Shut up sis or I'll make you shut up.

Daniela: BROTHER!!!!!

Michel: *puts the thread in the needle and then stitches her mouth* Come on Sis....

Daniela: *she closes her eyes and whimpers* p-plea-!

Michel: look at me and tell me you love me.

Daniela:(brother....) *tears run down eyes*

*stitches eyes open*

Michel: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *grabs siccors and stabs her chest* -Stab Stab Stab-

Christopher: Michel... What did you do.

Michel: *gets up and turns around* Can't you see? I made everyone love me more!


Michel: *run at Christopher an kicks him against wall* Come on Chris tell me you love me!

Christopher: -cough cough- please Michel snap out of it.

Michel: *grabs the hammer and nails* why? *hammers the nails into his hand against the wall* don't you love me enough to die by me?


Michel:*grabs needles and thread* i love you Christopher. I love you so much that I will kill you to put you out I your misery.

Christopher: STOP IT!!!!

*stitches his mouth close*

MoMo: HAHAHAHAHAHA! *stitches eyes open*

Christopher: Michel..... I Love y-

As he stared at his brothers dead corpse he giggled and laughed like the phyco he turned into as the police came they didn't find the boy or......... The brother of the boys body.


Strawberry Man: DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Felix: the End audience.

Aubrey: can I say something?

Felix: sure.

Aubrey: Check out my friend AceMoon she made a book based on this and it is amazing. I also think you should check out my new book The 7 Deadly Sins. I think you guys will love it. Thank you.

Strawberry man: AM I IN IT!

Aubrey and Felix: NO!

Strawberry man: Awwwwww :(

Felix: say bye everyone.

Aubrey: Bye.

Strawberry man: BYE!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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