I'm Here

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So i know a lot of people in this world are what they say "broken" and can't be healed

I don't believe that's true.

Because they say once something is too far broken, it can't be fixed. But no matter what, everyone can be fixed.

So no one is "broken", they're more like lost. Some don't know what to do. And end up making not the best decisions.

So I want to help you guys. The ones that can't believe in them selves or have others disbelieving in them making it harder.

But I believe in you. I believe that you can rise above the bad. And see the good.

I maybe a mere stranger. You may think "Hey! You don't know what it's like!" and I'll admit. I've never had some bad things happen in my life. Sure I've been bullied for things. But I've never hit that point to where you can't take it anymore.

I didn't hit that point because I had someone. This one person made a huge difference to me. They made it better. They made me see the real me.

And I want everyone to have that possibility too.

This story is dedicated to that person. Plus I'd like to dedicate it to Amanda Todd, the girl who should never have been put under that stress. I'd also like to dedicate it to one of my other best friends. She is going through a hard time and I hope to god that she will stay strong and know that I'm there for her.

I will share stories through this book, stories where people felt they didn't have anyone and gave up.

If anyone is reading this feeling they want to give up.. Don't give up.

Fight on.

Show them your strong.

Show them you can be something.

Cause even if you don't believe yourself. I will.


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