I / A Picturesque Score of Passing Fantasy

431 8 7

-Day 1; Wednesday, May 31st, 2017-

Kim Junmyeon was the kind of guy who seemed like he had his shit together.

In all honesty, Junmyeon wasn't a hundred percent sure if he really did.

He graduated in three days, and he tried to stay as organized as possible. All of his belongings were packed away, ready to truck away in a few days (a method of which he still needed to figure out), only a few things still left out.

He had a pack of cigarettes on the counter behind him as he did the last of the dishes. There was a stack of books on his bed, about two or three or so. There was one box he kept rifling through for clothes; one he'd have to re-fold from all the clothes strewn over it.

With such a short amount of time left before they graduated, most people in his year knew what they were doing after. Whether it was where they were going to work or where they were travelling, they had something planned out.

Junmyeon had worked for four years for his diploma, achieving a doctorate in social work. He could've finished easily in a few terms, but he took criminology his first year. He had only received a bachelor's degree in that, but nonetheless finished it quickly as well.

He tended to take his time on things as of late, even with the dishes he was doing; he knew it took him much longer to do them today than it did yesterday.

He was in the midst of putting away some of the dishes when his roommate, Seo Juhyun, came in.

She dropped her keys onto the small key table, jangling and clanging. She hung her bag up as well, on the wooden jacket rack they had installed creaking slightly with the added weight.

It was a crappy jacket rack.

Junmyeon's friend and former roommate Min Yoongi had made it at the beginning of the year in the wood shop and left it here when he moved dorms.

Min Yoongi was majoring in Civil Engineering, until he switched to Urban and Regional Planning, thus causing him to move dorms and halls. He was replaced with Juhyun, who preferred to be called Seohyun (for a reason that was unknown to Junmyeon).

Junmyeon knew it took Yoongi a few days to build it. He had watched Yoongi cut and sand everything while he finished his last homework pages.

"What time is it?" Seohyun asked, stepping further into the dorm and into the kitchen.

Junmyeon quickly dried his hands and pulled his phone out, glancing at the screen. "A little after five thirty." he said, pocketing it again and averting his gaze from the girl who dug through the cupboards near him. Their backs were turned to each other.

"Are you going to that party?" she asked, pulling snacks from the fridge.

"Lu's?" Junmyeon questioned, returning to drying his dishes and putting them away.

Seohyun made a noise under her breath in confirmation. "It's a go this year, too. You know Lu wouldn't let his last opportunity for a party go to waste."

Xi Lu Han was in the same year as Junmyeon, but however had a different major and therefore the two never really saw each other. They had met briefly on orientation day four years ago. Their meeting had only lasted a few seconds, and Junmyeon doubted Luhan even remembered the brief conversation where Lu had implied he was a perverted pedophile pimp after he said he was majoring in "social work. You know, like therapists and children's workers." Apparently Lu Han was the one with the dirty mind.

"Anyways, I told my friends I'd be there for nine thirty, ten." Seohyun frowned. "If you decide to go, I'll give you a lift. Lu's dorm is across campus; we're taking Lee Seunghyun's car. You know that can hold a ton of us."

"Thank you, although I don't think I will." Junmyeon admitted, placing the last dish away.

"Loser." Seohyun taunted playfully, shoving Junmyeon's shoulder lightly and turning away into her room. He swayed forward, towards the sink he stood in front of. He held the towel in his hands, winding it around his wrists before releasing it into the sink, where it hung off the edge.

He stayed at the sink, looking down past the counter's edge, but not quite at the cupboards underneath or the floor below him.

There was no particular reason Junmyeon just stood there, and perhaps that was why.

His mind was blank, not knowing what to do next. It was if he was a Sim and someone had cleared and deleted his action queue bar.

He thought and felt nothing momentarily, not even that empty, hallowing feeling he had lately when he awoke at two in the morning and lied completely still and unmoving in his bed, staring up at the ceiling cast in darkness. 


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