XVII / Body Language Is Something That You Learn

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WARNINGS: Strong language; non-con

-Day 49; Tuesday, July 18th, 2017-

"Krissy!" Kim Junmyeon exclaimed as he stepped foot in the door, immediately dropping his keys and bag on the table as he usually did when he came home.

What was unusual was the smell that wafted through the apartment. A sweet, warm, homely smell.

"Are you cooking?" Junmyeon asked, approaching Kris Wu at the stove.

"Trying." he said, smiling, leaning over and kissing him. "You hungry?"

Junmyeon nodded. "Haven't eaten at all today."

"Hi, Junmyeon." another voice chimed in, scaring Junmyeon so much he practically jumped across the room, running into a chair.

"Holy fuck!" he cried, a hand over his heart in shock.

A face appeared from behind the sofa, a familiar one Junmyeon was lucky to place a name to.

His reaction made the other two boys laugh, Oh Sehun doubling over back onto the sofa.

"I texted you, Myeon." Kris threw over his shoulder. "Sehun's here. He's honestly the reason I'm trying to cook." Kris gestured to Sehun.

"Wow, I feel honoured." Junmyeon said, rolling his eyes and straightening himself and the chair out. "I haven't checked my phone since leaving, sorry. I'm going to go change. Try not to scare me again this time."

"No guarantees!" Kris called as Junmyeon made his way down the hall, removing his work clothes and tugging on a pair of jeans.

As he looked through his tee shirts, trying to find the blue one, the door opened and Kris stepped in. "Myeon?"

"Hm?" Junmyeon asked, not looking away from the clothes.

Kris came closer, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and kissing the crook of his neck. "I missed you today." he murmured.

"I missed you, too." Junmyeon replied, turning around and kissing his jaw, the tallest point he could reach without Kris crouching down or Junmyeon standing on tiptoe. "Now I'm trying to find a shirt; give me a minute."

He tried to push Kris' hands off from around his waist, Kris' bare arms tightly around Junmyeon's exposed torso.

Kris made a sound of protest, kissing his cheek. "Tell me about your day quick."

Junmyeon didn't know why he felt that way.

He felt that as of late, almost everything Kris did was an annoyance, an inconvenience, something to bother him. He knew Kris didn't mean it and that that's not how he should think of Kris, but when he did blatant shit like this it pissed him off.

Wished he had sent him to the fucking rental instead.

"It was fine." Junmyeon said hurriedly. "Nothing special, really. Now please, let me find a shirt quick."

"I went down to the dock today." Kris continued, as if the second half of what Junmyeon just said didn't exist.

"Kris." Junmyeon said sternly, laying his hands over Kris' and trying to push him away again.

He found difficulty with it, just like the night they first met. No matter how much he protested and pushed, he couldn't shake their grip.

"It was really nice out." Kris resumed, as if he didn't notice Junmyeon trying to wriggle free or hear his protests. "I think the guys all had a genuinely good time. Though of course, I ran into some problems with Byun Baekhyun." Kris rolled his eyes, and Junmyeon still tried to pry his arms away from around his waist.

It's not that Junmyeon didn't like Kris' arms around his waist, or Kris being so close or so intimate, but he just wanted to put on a shirt. He wasn't the biggest fan of Kris trying to cuddle him when he was practically half-naked, especially with Oh Sehun in the next room.

"Kris!" Junmyeon yelled, finally snapping and cutting him off. "Let me go!"

"What the hell's your problem?" Kris demanded, listening to Junmyeon's request nonetheless and releasing him, shoving his hands in his back pockets. Junmyeon immediately took a step back away from him, quickly scooping up the first tee shirt he could lay his hands on and slipped it over his head.

"You never listen to me!" Junmyeon exclaimed. "For fuck's sakes, I've been telling you to let me go for the past how long? I just wanted to put on a damn shirt!"

Kris rolled his eyes again. "Oh, c'mon. It's not like I've never seen your bare chest before."

"That's not my problem." Junmyeon said defensively, folding his arms across his chest. "My problem is that you never fucking listen to me! You're too self-involved!"

"You're one to fucking talk, Junmyeon! You get pissed off about nothing constantly!"

"Kris!" Sehun called from the other side of the door. "The pot is boiling over!"

"Shit." Kris muttered, immediately ducking out of the room and leaving Junmyeon alone.

Alone in his anger and self-pity.


"It is not." Kris said, lifting the lid to the pot and peering in. The water was at a low boil.

"Oh." Sehun muttered from behind him. "I thought it was." he leaned against the table with his arms crossed, like Junmyeon, except both boys' body language were very different.

Junmyeon used it in a way to express his anger at Kris, closing himself off and appearing stern and angry. Sehun used it in a way that made him seem vulnerable and anxious, as if he didn't know what to do with his hands or arms. Despite the gesture seeming closed off, Sehun actually seemed more open to Kris.

Kris placed the lid back on the pot and shot Sehun a look, raising an eyebrow. "You feelin' okay?" he asked, placing the back of his hand against the younger boy's forehead.

"Mhm." Sehun said. "I just thought-"

"You heard us, didn't you?" Kris dropped his hand and leaned away, speaking low.

Sehun hesitated before answering, but eventually gave a small nod. "I'm sorry." he said quickly. "I shouldn't have-"

Kris shot him a quick, reassuring smile. "It's okay, alright?" he reached over, ruffling Sehun's hair. The orange had mainly faded, leaving a weird blond-orange hybrid, his dark roots showing from under the bleach. "I've heard you apologize one too many times today. You still hungry?"

Again, Sehun nodded, and a few minutes later Kris dished him out some.

Kris set out some for himself and Junmyeon, called him into the kitchen, but to no answer.

Throughout dinner, Sehun shot Kris questioning, confused glances, but Kris talked to him as if nothing happened.

Junmyeon did not join them for dinner.


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