Chapter 2 | Reunion

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Bakura stood beside a tall tree that managed to keep him from getting wet a bit. That wasn't very useful now either way, since he was soaked by the time they arrived at the playground. He watched as Marik climbed atop the slide. He subconsciously reminded himself of how the water stood in pools everywhere, even at the bottom of the slide. Marik didn't seem to realize this as he readied himself for the fall.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Bakura warned, but he was too late.

The boy extended his arms above his head and shouted a quick 'whee!' as he slid right into the puddle. His eyes widened in shock for a second as he felt his trousers get wet with dirty rainwater. He stood and looked down on his butt.

"Hey, Bakura!" he shouted to the other after a minute of examination. "Do you think this makes my bottom look any better?"

Bakura rolled his eyes as a response, but inside, he felt the need to say yes. The way the water soaked the pants made the clothing stick to Marik's ass, giving it an even rounder shape than before. Oh, how he wanted to get rid of that soaked piece of garbage right then and there.

Marik went on to the swings, muttering something about how it was more exciting to play in the dirt back in Egypt than on this slide. The British mentally chuckled as he saw him try to make the swing... well... swing, but unfortunately for him, he didn't know the correct method, and he ended up just jerking his legs back and forth rather than moving his body fluidly.

Bakura slowly made his way to the tree that was right next to the swinger, his mind trying to piece together any sort of plan against the Pharaoh that could work. The traditional way of beating him in a children's card game didn't seem to work, so they had to abandon such classics. They also couldn't use any methods that revolved around the ancient ruler's clothing, unless Marik really believed the Pharaoh's words about his leather shoes. They best idea he could come up with was something like what the Pharaoh has given them for Christmas – a conveniently timed bomb to conveniently explode at the convenient location that was labelled 'somewhere in Egypt'. How he knew where this somewhere was, was unclear. Not that the 4th wall ever meant any difficulties for him, so Bakura just shrugged it off as something among those lines.

"Bakura! The swing broke!" Marik whined. "Push me!"

"I'm not pushing you." Bakura sighed.

"Do it! I command you!"

"I'm not bloody pushing you, Marik!" the British snapped.

"Come on, Bakura, you're no fun... Please?"

"Uhh, fine!" Bakura rolled his eyes as he gave in and pushed the boy by the back.

Marik enjoyed this much more than the slides, that was for sure. Bakura still didn't see any fun in such activity, but he carried on either way until Marik was going high enough to keep swinging for a while. Bakura then stepped back and observed from there again.

All of a sudden, he felt something push against his back with quite a lot of force, causing him to lose his balance. He would've tripped right then if it weren't for the two arms that wrapped around his chest and pulled him back. He gasped as time seemed to stop around him. Someone had hugged him from behind for some reason, he just couldn't imagine why, or who it was. If anyone ever hugged him, it was Marik after he suffered through an episode of Melvin taking over. Marik, however, was happily swinging back and forth right before his eyes. Analyzing the situation, he was able to determine that this could be two things. This person was either drunk or one of his fangirls that managed to break into this world without anyone's knowledge to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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