Chapter eight

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Recap: SuKor teases Vivaan. Vivaan thought to get some sympathy from Tina... uhm wrong! ViKor birthday n TiRaj forget 😱.

So Vivaan left Tina there n Chakor left Suraj at the mall.

Both TiRaj were thinking what they missed?!. Were they really??

Suraj was smiling like mad. Pack me everything what she chose.
The shopkeeper; Sir??

Suraj; pack na I want to buy. Finally I got to know what she wants. He didn't thought long n bought her all she wanted but he won't give her now. He will give it her at before the day ends! As her birthday gift.

Tina was at college n thinking what she has done! I tease him with the name only I didn't hurt him or did I?! No no how?? He always teases me today I did we r equal well I will be never like him. But yes we r equal.

Suraj bought everything n his credit card was accepted. Baachgaye {save} I thought I have nothing left after her shopping trip of last week.

Tina called Suraj.

Suraj; oh hey Tina U messed up with him.

Tina; haan completely! That was a gud idea.

Suraj; haan now listen I have told everyone to ignore them n their day u take ur time n then come before 12 am!

Tina; haan don't worry will be done. Btw... u have a gift for him?!

Suraj was thinking. No I don't have! Shit! Gud u remind me... what does he wants?!

Tina; a watch!

Suraj; oh yeah I remember... wait... I will get it! What u have?!

Tina; what u mean?!

Suraj; oh we both r going to give them the watch.

Tina; exacting.

Suraj y women r always like this?. Okay bye.

Tina; Bye.

They all as planned ignored ViKor.

Btw they are neighbours.

Vivaan n Chakor were sitting in the garden.

Chakor; u know Suraj forgot!

Vivaan; Shut Up! Everyone forgot!

Chakor; y r u angry on me?!

Vivaan; Vivu??

Chakor; is sweet na! U r my Vivu dewaar {BIL}.
Don't forget call me Bhabhi!

Vivaan; what?! No! This was all a joke, right?!

Chakor shook her head. U have to call me Bhabhi....

They all were sitting together besides ViKor who were still pouting n sitting in the garden.

Teju; maybe we should tell them...?!

Suraj; no way! Let them suffer a bit.

Kasturi; oh my poor Hero! Y u let her slap u?!

Suraj; she is mad na! Like me?! So I had to!

KN; what?!.

Suraj; plan... it was all planned n I'm not angry or hurt. It's just a small pain but she suffering more.

Bhuvaan; but u know it's not that bad as she will learn that it's not always abt her!.

Suraj; absolutely right!

Teju; what is Vivaans fault?!

Suraj; what Maa he is same like her! Don't find differences between them. The only one is he male she female.

Tom & Jerry = SuKor SSWhere stories live. Discover now