Chapter eleven

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srilekshmi sorry but yesterday I was kicked out of Watty...

Recap; TiVaan n Chakors freshener party. Karan the 5the wheel. Chakor beats him.

Chakor was hell angry on that stupid Karan. He is after my Suraj oh no! I will not let him to be that close to my SURAJ!

Suraj was driving them all home they first drove Tina to her place. Vivaan stood up n dropped her to her front door.

Chakor fumes. "Suraj I'm here don't stare at them!". She was literally shouting at him.

Suraj turns his face toward her. "Oh my love I was just checking on them. How far he would go!". He hold her hand. "U still angry?".

Chakor encircled her fingers with his. "I'm not angry on U but on that Karan. How dare he to come to my freshener party. Then how dare he to fight with u?". Her grip on his hand tighten as her anger was raising.

Suraj gulps his pain down. "Chakor r u hurting me? Do hurt him na!".

Chakor got confused she didn't understood what Suraj was saying. "Suraj what r u saying?". With her other hand she caresses his cheek.

Suraj smiles. He took the hand of hers n kissed it. "Nothing!". Then the door opens n Vivaan was back.

Chakor was looking at Vivaan like. !U come at the wrong time!.

Vivaan didn't care. "Bhai shall we?".

Chakor fumes again n her grip tighten on Suraj hand just then she notice the scratches on his hands which happened bcz of her. She immediately loses the grip n kisses his hand. "Sorry!". She was looking upset. She turns her face away to hide her tears.

Suraj let her. He starts the car n soon they arrived no one had said a word at the whole driving time.

They all stood up from the car.

Suraj looked at Chakor who was lifeless walking. "Vivaan?!".

Vivaan turns to him n gesture with his hands

Suraj just waves to him n he understood. Suraj was walking behind his love. "Chakor wait!".

Chakor stopped n saw him coming near. "Suraj I'm sorry...". She rested her head on his chest.

Suraj caresses her back. "Chakor it's okay I'm not angry!". He lifts her head like at the dancing moment n kisses her lips. Chakor hugs him tight.

He drops her home till her room....

Suraj was sleeping in his bed n when KN enters his room in the morning. "Suraj!!!". He took a pillow n was hitting Suraj with it. "Suraj!!!".

Suraj turns to him. "What?!". The voice was dangerous n his gaze was the one of a killer.

Chakor also come into his room. "Suraj wake up!". He smiles looking at her n stood up. The two turns n Suraj was confused. "What happen?".

KN shook his head. "Wear some clothes!". He shout at him as loud as possible. Chakor was holding her laugh back. "Hihihihi" But she couldn't so she starts to giggle.

Suraj wore his pyjama. "Woh last night it was very hot n the fan wasn't working besides I'm in boxers there is nothing u could see!". He scratches his back head n stretches his arms up. "Turn n please tell me what happened bcz my Jerry is here! Early in the morning!".

Chakor turns with a smile but then looking at KN she too looked upset n angry.

KN show him the newspaper. "Recently the new business man Suraj Rajvanshi won a deal. This deal was taken back as he isn't capable to it. Now after another chance he again got the deal but now behind in bad publicity of kissing a young girl could ruin his business image!".

Suraj fumes in anger. "Chakor get ready now!".

Chakor n KN were confused. "Ready but for what?!".

He looked at them. "Damn get ready n tell the other's to be ready too! Now!". He shouts n the two run out of the room n informed everyone.

Suraj made some calls to his PR Consultant. They have organised a big press meeting.

Now the whole family was ready n Suraj asked them to follow him silently.

As all were scared of this dangerous Suraj they obviously agreed to his demand. Soon they all arrived at his company site.

The whole building was surrounded with the Media. "Suraj what is this?". Bhuvaan asked with a confused expression.

Suraj turns. "It's to revamp our image!". He took Chakors hand in his n come in front of the media holding her tight next to him.

The press was looking at them.

Suraj didn't thought long n gave a statement. "This is Chakor Bhuvaan Khanna the daughter of Kasturi and Bhuvaan Khanna. MY FIANCÉ THE YOUNG WOMAN I KISSED YESTERDAY AFTER SAVING HER, WELL SHE KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT, I SAVED THE ONE WHO MISBEHAVED WITH HER...!".

The press was keen to know who misbehaved with her n if their r any proofs of the real incident. Vivaan come up to the stage. "Yes, I have made a video of the whole night!". He took his mobile n connected it with the laptop of the company. There Suraj has build up a white screen.... the whole night was shown n then Karan his he misbehaved with Chakor. How Suraj come to help n how Chakor beats the hell out of Karan with the broomstick.

Suraj looked at them. "Actually my fiancé is in first year college n she is 20 years old. We had decided to get engaged so something like this won't happen to her. And guess what he knew she is my fiancé n still he come to try to hit on her!".

He hold Chakors hand. "Karan is a dirty dog he plays dirty but I play smartly. He wanted to ruin my image, ur reputation! I will ruin him he has awaken the sleeping beast in me. If he would have done something to me okay. But not on U. U have nothing to do with it. There was not a reason to play with ur dignity, so that people could raise their finger on U!. Chakor it's my promise I will not leave that Dog!".

Chakor smiles. She knows her Suraj the best. She hold him tight n kisses him publicly. She pushes him away. "Now I'm challenging this stupid Karan. If he has the guts then he should try his best but he will fail! So low that it will be impossible for him to stand up again!".

She looks at Suraj. "I Love U Suraj!". She hugs him tight. "U know with this u have proven u r worthy me!". She was smiling. "We both will ruin that Dog!". Suraj smiles he kisses her head n all the media reporter wrote abt the real story.


Consequences but for whom?

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