Missions after missions

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I was tired, sore and exhausted from my last mission. All I wanted to do is ram Komui's face to his desk. Not only his robots always manage to find a way to want to kill me, but he keeps sending me on missions after missions. Sighing right out of my door, I slid down to the floor groaning and whining on how tired and hungry I was. All of a sudden i feel my door jerk opened a bit. I looked up.
" Lavi? What the- what are you doing in my room?" I questioned him. Knowing him, he might of wanted to pull a prank or something. "Your room? Hey unless you're now sharing a room with me, I live here" he chuckled. I looked at him confusedly and took a peek into the room. "Oohh.. I'm sorry, I thought this was my room" I said while scratching my head, giving him a cheesy smile.
" Haha, it's alright, your just tired, let me guess, missions after missions?" He'd asked curiously, I nodded in response. " Hey since you're here now, lets go grab some lunch!" He said pulling me up and dragging me to the diner excitedly.
At lunch, Leanalee walked to our table. " Hey Allen, Lavi. Komui wants to see you both after lunch" she giggled. I nodded with food stuffed in my mouth. Soon after Lavi and I were done with our lunch, we headed straight to Komui.
" Hellooo! Allen! How was your last mission? Was it fun?" Komui asked nicely. " I- never mind then! Hehe" he said awkwardly, I assume he saw my face expression. "Whats up boss? Why did you call us in? " Lavi asked placing his arm on my shoulder. I think he could of tell that I was about to strangle Leanalee's brother.
" Well, I'm assigning both of you together for a couple of tasks." He said maturely. I sighed softly and nodded listening to what the job was about. Of course. Innocent. We listened throughly and carefully.
" Have fun you two! And be careful! " Komui shouted out happily as we walked out. Lavi now has his arm around my shoulders. It didn't bother me, I was comfortable and so was he. Now thinking.. I always seem to be relaxed and comfortable with Lavi around, a mission with him might just relax me.
" Hey you two" Leanalee smiled at us " stay safe and be careful on the task, alright?" Leanalee was always happy, I smiled. " of course Leanalee. It'll be a piece of cake" I chuckled. Lavi was starting too feel heavy as Leanalee walked away with her brother's coffee. I looked up at Lavi seemed to have been too comfortable that he fell asleep on me. Dragging him to his room, I got him to lean on the wall, checking every pocket of his to find his key door. He slowly wakes up and his eyes fall on mines " hey short stack what are you doing?" He says with he eyes still locked on mine.
My face grew hot, Im on him, with my hands in his back pockets. Im basically touching his butt.
"I- ugh, you feel asleep on me so I was searching for your keys to open your room door to lay you down" I explained quickly, still in position. Lavi laughs, " gotcha! I wasn't really asleep, I was tricking you, but hey your a good friend if you were going to put me to bed. Come on short stack, lets get going" he said chuckling. I shook my face getting away from him.
" Alright, lets go" I smiled at him.

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