18~ Dating ~18

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Virgil woke up excited to have another day of being Patton's boyfriend. Patton was laying on his back while he scrolled through animal pictures on Instagram. Patton turned his head and grinned at Virgil. "Good morning dear," Patton said and kissed Virgil's lips. Virgil grinned, he didn't think he would ever get used to being kissed by Patton.

"You're so perfect," Virgil mumbled and buried his face into Patton's arm.

Patton giggled, "I haven't even done anything yet."

"You're yourself and that's perfect."

Patton kissed the top of his head, "You're so cute when you're sleepy."

Virgil looked up, "Not as cute as you."

Patton rolled to his side and wrapped his arm around Virgil's waist, "I'm pretty sure I'm looking at the cutest thing in the world right now."

"No you're not, that title belongs to your smiling face," Virgil said.

"If that's the cutest thing I guess I should smile more to make you happy."

"I think it's honestly impossible for you to smile any more but if you find a way please do, I love seeing my beautiful love happy." Patton grinned and kissed Virgil. They stayed with their faces close together and they were so happy to be with each other.

"Come on, we need to get up," Patton said after a while, not making a move to get up though.

"No," Virgil whined, "Can't we just stay here and cuddle all day?"

"We have puppies to feed," Patton reminded him.

Virgil groaned, "Being a dad of four sucks."

Patton giggled, "Is it at least worth it?"

Virgil sent Patton as small smile, "Of course it is."

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