〰️Chapter One〰️

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I ran. Holding onto my puppy so tight as I ran past houses jumping over bushes and dodging trees. I was running home trying to beat the street lights. I looked behind me as I kept running. Light after light were being turned on. I finally made it to the front door step pulling the door open and softly put the dog on the floor. I looked outside behind me, and about 4 seconds later the street light in front of my house had turned on. "Yes!" I whispered. I walked to my room throwing myself in bed. It was almost the end of summer with only 25 days left in counting. Everyday I would walk outside to explore. I told myself when I graduate and turn 18 I would be out exploring and living on my own. Well, that plan didn't go well. Here I am 19 years old still living with my mother and two little brothers. They're twins. Both eight years old and both aggravating. I'm Courtney, I'm a very adventurous person. I love to just walk outside and go watch the trees move in the wind and I love to imagine myself being out on the beach by myself watching the waves come flowing from the ocean onto the shore And onto my bare feet. Mom on the other hand still treats and beat me like I'm a child. " Courtney ? Mom was looking for you. " my brother Isaac said while standing near the doorway. I sat up in bed eying him. He soon disappeared out from the doorway. I stood and walked out heading to the kitchen where I would find my mother cooking as usual. I walked near the fridge leaning against it. She dried her hands off looking my way. I can tell by the look in her eyes that this conversation is not going to go right.

"Where you been?" She asked.

"Out" I replied folding my arms.

"Out where? You've been gone all day. That's every Saturday with you. I've had it here with that bullshit. I told you not to bring yo ass in here after the street lights-"

"BUT i did come in before the street lights!" I hissed. 

My arm stung for about 10 good seconds after she slapped it. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me. Next Saturday I don't want you out that door. Told you a thousand times it's not safe for you to be walking out there by yourself now get out my face." She said. I balled my fist quickly walking out the kitchen. I grabbed my puppy who was sleeping near the door and laid her in my bed wrapping the sheets around her. I need a job so that I can be able to make money and just get my own place. I'm 19, I don't understand why she still puts her hands on me. She still treats me like a child. I laid in bed covering myself with the sheets but jumped when I heard a loud rumble of thunder coming from outside. I stood up and opened the blinds to my window pulling the curtains all the way back. I grabbed my camera taking plenty of photos of the sky. Lighting flashed in the sky as rain started to pour heavy. I imagined myself playing in that rain. So many thoughts was going through my head. I pulled back my blinds and headed to my dresser laying my camera there and slowly took off my necklace laying it next to the camera. I took a shower and laid in bed literally naked. My house was freezing but it felt good. I heard the sound of my brothers fighting in the other room. They do this everyday. They wrestle to the point where mom would come out yelling and whooping the both of them. I heard a loud boom on the wall and my painting of Chadwick Boseman flew off the wall and onto the floor. I had enough of it. I stood up throwing on my black silk robe rushing out the room and into theirs "Would y'all sto- .. omg!" I rushed towards Dylan, my other twin who's head was in the wall. I pulled him out and he burst into laughter. But the laughter slowly turned into tears. They both cried. They cried right after they noticed the hole in the wall. They know how mom is and she is NOT going to be happy with this. But me being a good sister. We still have a bucket of this stuff that covers up holes and cracks in walls. I rushed to the garage to get it. I carried it as Isaac and Dylan carried the paint. We quickly and quietly made our way passed the kitchen where mom is. we made it into the room and I closed the door. I began pulling open the lid to the bucket and started patching up the hole. My brothers sat and watch. We then waited about 30 minutes till it dried and started painting over it. But it looked noticeable. So I ended up painting that whole side of the wall so that it could blend. It worked, you can't tell if there's a whole in the wall or not. I dusted off my fingers in success. "Wallahh! Good as new. Now be careful next time guys." I said. I turned my back and the boys were asleep. I rolled my eyes carrying the stuff back to the garage. The food was ready and I raced to the table. Mom got the boys up and we all ate. Every time I sit at this table. It's always feel like somebody's missing. My dad. Miss hearing his loud voice when the boys are fighting or throwing food. "Courtney thank you" Dylan whispered. I smiled. Anything for my boys. I saw mom looking down at my hands that was covered in paint. I quickly laid my hands in my lap under the table and smiled at her as she gave me a "What the F" look. After eating. Everybody said good night and went into their rooms.

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