〰️My father (short chapter)〰️

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I woke up getting my brothers ready for the first day of school. I waited till both of them get out the tub and dry off. I handed them they're boxer shorts and uniform. Mom wasn't here. She went to work early this morning. I put there supplies in each of there book bags and grabbed they're lunch out the fridge mom made. "Isaac go put on your fucking shoes!" I yelled. He crossed his arm and threw himself onto the couch. I'm so sick of him. I grabbed his shoes forcefully put them on his feet. He kept kicking but I slapped him. Yes I like to keep my brothers in check. He wanna do this shit every fucking year. He cried but I ain't care. I grabbed his bag and grabbed him by the arm pulling outside and to the car. They both got in. This was dad's car. Mom only let me drive it when it's emergencies or when I have to take my brothers to school. She won't even let me stay out late with the car. Wish my dad was still here. He won't even care if I'm out late. He's the reason why I love exploring. We went camping on a beach at 10 at night a couple years back. Crazy as it sounds we would walk around the beach just collecting stuff. The beach we went on was so cool. It had a walk way that was surrounded by big tall trees that met over our heads . It had the most beautiful flowers on every tree. It was like a clubhouse it had lights inside too.  we use to walk through it a million times that night. After that day, I changed. All I wanted to do was to just explore. My dad saw that in me. He wanted to take me to London, California, New York. All those places. He made that promise till one day I came home from school, I walked to where my dad wanted to meet me. As soon as I got there a black truck showed up and about 5 guys got out. I stopped and hid behind the bushes near me. I saw one of them shot my dad somewhere in the chest while the others tied him up throwing him the truck. They all got in and speed off. I cried all the way home screaming my head off. I told mom what happened but she didn't believe me. She told me that he wanted to leave anyway so he planned it and that they was just acting. I don't believe that. That's something I know he won't do. He loved me too much to do that. A month after my dad went missing mom been calling the police filing reports and everything and still till this day they can't find him. She been acting different ever since, there was a time where I couldn't come outside. Or there was times where my mom wouldn't let me walk to and from school. Now I have to come in before the street lights. I've always been treated like a princess around dad but my mom? She's taking her anger out on me just because I look like my father. Yes I do but at the end of the day, I'm still her child. For months I've been calling my dad trying to hear his voice one time but his phone would just ring. It's been so long since I've seen seen him, why would he just leave like that, I mean yes he was kidnapped and it wasn't his fault. For all I know he might be dead. My father is a strong man. He's been in the army, he use to be a photographer and explorer, always coming home with millions of pictures of trees, little creatures, the sky .. everything. He use to camp out in forests and he would take me with him. There was this one time when he traveled with some friends but I couldn't go. I begged to come but he told me that he was going to the dessert for the first time and that I was too young to go. He literally went camping in the desert with his friends. Years past and my little brothers came along and yeah he still treated me like a princess but he had his attention on my brothers the most. My dad was many things.

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