chapter three.

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"I'm home." I yelled as I entered my house. I threw my bag on the couch. "Mom? Dad?"

"Lily, Mary is here." I heard my mom say.

"Mary? Where are you?"

"Lily!" she ran to me, and I caught her on my arms.

"I need you to go to the market." my mom appeared on the stairs. "The list and the money is on the kitchen table. Take Mary with you."

"Okay, mom." I walked to the kitchen with Mary by my side and caught the list and the money.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I yelled and caught Mary's hands. Getting off of the house.

As we quickly made our way to the market and took a cart. I opened the list and pushed the cart as Mary walked by my side.

"So, what do you want today?" I asked Mary.

"Uh, I don't know." she said rolling the tip of her dress. "Maybe you could get me some banana, marshmallows and sweets."

"Okay, are you sure that you just want this?" I pushed the cart entering the soda section. I took some bottles of coke that I really do love and some of ice tea, juices and one of milk.

"What there is on the list?" Mary asked, I loved her voice, the way she would say something is so cute, her voice at the same that is so low is so softy and lovely to hear. I don't really know why people don't like to spend so much time with her, she is the cutest.

What really happened to Mary was just that her mother (which is my aunt) don't really have time for her, and I feel really sad for her, she doesn't even knows, she is only four and I feel more sad when I think that even when she has cancer. Mary's cancer is called Wilms' Tumor, but her cancer affects the kidney, as the doctor said she will have a surgery but none of us know when, the doctor just say that it's not time yet, so I don't really know. And sometimes I can't live knowing that Mary can die, and I can lost her, like I lost my brother.

"Mm, there is eggs, flour, I think my mom is going to make a cake, what do you think about that?"

"I think it is a great news."

I pushed the cart to the section where it has vegetables and fruits.

"Okay, I'm gonna be here taking bananas and carrots, and you go pick the eggs. And you get back here."

"Right, I promise that I won't take so long." I saw her walking to the section while I pushed my cart to where it was the carrots, I got ten carrots, it's for the cake. And some bananas for Mary, as I put it in the cart I realized that Mary wasn't back yet.

So I quickly made my way to the section where there were eggs, really worried that happened something. When I saw she talking with a guy, that all I could see was his back, since he had his hood in his head.

"Mary!" I walked to her. And she looked down.

"I dropped the eggs." she mumbled.

"Don't worry about that." I knelt to be in her height. "There is no problem about dropping eggs, I already did that a lot of times. I just got really worried thinking that something happened with you."

I quickly got up as I remember the guy, I looked to him just to see a face that I already know.

"Hi Lily." Ashton said with a smirk.

"Oh my god, Ashton!" I said when I saw that he was all dirty because of the eggs.

"She ran into me and so dropped all the eggs."

"I'm so sorry for her."

"She is your sister?"

"No, she is my cousin, Mary."

"She is so cute."

"I know right." I looked to her who was looking at us two smiling. "So what are you doing here?"

"I came to get some eggs and sugar that my mom forgot." he shrugged. "Can I stay with you?"

"Yeah, sure."

I got two boxes of eggs and put in the cart.

"One for me and one for you."

As it we walked to get all my list done and his sugar.


Ashton helped me with the bags and we walked together to my house. We entered it and I showed Ashton where he could leave the bags. He helped me to put them in their right places.

"Honey, I put flour in the list right?" my mom entered the kitchen.

"Yes, you did. And I bought it." I told her.

"Oh, hello I'm Mrs. Collins, I didn't knew that Lily had someone over. And you can call me Susan." my mom said.

"Hi Mrs. Collins, I'm Ashton Irwin. I'm new in the neighborhood, and in the town. I moved from Australia today morning." Ashton looked to me a little while he told my mom.

"You could stay for my cake, that I'm gonna do right now." My mom insisted.

"Or mom, he could go home and left the things that he bought for his mom, take a shower and then he come over again." I mumbled.

"Yeah, I think that's the better." Ashton agreed with me and we both got out of the kitchen. "Bye Mrs. Collins, I'll see you later."

And so we walked to the door.

"Okay, so I see you in some minutes."

"Yeah, sure. I won't take so long." he mumbles. "Bye." he starts walking in the direction of his house as I close the door.


Hello everyone, I'm writing this by my phone and I can't put it on bold so I'm just gonna write in this way. Really special post that I just made because it's Ashton birthday. I just can't thank him enough for all that he has done to me, and I feel really happy for having him in my life. He one of my favorites people in the world, and I really can't believe that he is twenty, my babe, my fletcher that I love with all my heart. He is not teen anymore, and I just want to cry cause he is getting older again and again and again. He deserves all the bests things in the world, since he makes me happy and feeling better and loved.

It's 4h39am and I'm in my cousin's house since tuesday just because of my best guy friend, and so I decided to finish this chapter that I don't think it's really good, and I have some chapters done, so if you like the story and vote for it, don't worry that I won't take so long to post the next. I love you, and good night/morning wherever you are.

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