Cheater underswap chara x emotionless! dragon reader

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Cheater underswap chara x emotionless! dragon reader. That's quite the mouth full. BTW, both of then are genderless cuz y not?

YEAR: 202X

Your pov

You woke up and saw your partner, Chara. The kind soul that had set the underground free. You cupped their cheeks and squished them. That caused them to wake up. "*Yawn* morning (y- umm... What are you doing?" You shrugged while lightly pinching their cheeks. Their cheeks reddened. "Alright that's enough (y/n)." They chuckled nervously. You let go of them as they stood up. They started heading towards the door. You stood up as they shut the door. Well that was weird. They usually kiss you when you both wake up. You just shrugged, your numb, emotionless eyes staring at the door. Ah right, forgot to mention that you were emotionless. How did you become Chara's partner then? Simple, they asked you out, you didn't really care so you accepted. I mean come on, why not? But... There was a small hint of love inside you. Come on, your not THAT emotionless! You can feel small hints of emotion but not fully. Besides, it's impossible to be emotionless unless your soul is somehow taken out of your body which is imposs- actually, I guess not since temmie exists. Anyways, the reason why your not losing your emotions fully is because emotions are a part of the soul. The soul has different parts, emotions, movement, vision, hearing, etc. When one of those parts are broken, it results in death since they are connected to the very core of the soul. That's why you need to be very careful with your emotions because when sudden emotion hits you, it can possibly damage the part of the soul and the core will be exposed. In other words, you will die. You sighed. The past made a big imprint in your memories, emotions and physical appearance. Anyways, you stretched your arms, wings and tail, went in the bathroom attached to the room and splashed water on your face to wake you up, since your still a little sleepy, and went downstairs. You saw Chara dressing up. "Hey, where ya going?" You said, eyeing their neat, formal clothes. Weird, they don't wear those often. They looked away. "I'm going on a d- a-a meeting! They are going to discuss some p-problems with the monsters and humans with me since I AM the ambassador! Now, I have to go! I might be late!" Before he can go, you pulled their wrist and wrapped your tail around their legs. Your wings slightly blocked them from going forward. "I thought you said that you'll be free for a few months since there aren't any major problems happening around?" They chuckled. They look nervous. "W-well, something urgent just p-popped up and-" a ding from their phone made them flinch a little in surprise. "O-oh! That must be them!" You let go of them but kept your grip on their wrist. You stared at their red tinted brown eyes. You hugged them and kissed their forehead. "Well alright. Bye..." You let them go as they walked away without a word. Not even a goodbye? It looks like they were in a hurry. You sighed quietly and closed the door. You sat on the couch and stared blankly at the wall. Chara has been acting strange for almost a month now. They leave early but they go back in midnight or so. They don't even go home sometimes. They were also being less affectionate towards you. You remembered that Chara was quite the snuggle bug the first few months of you dating. What's with the distance? You sighed, your head swarming with a lot of thoughts and doubts. You can barely even hear the surroundings. Maybe a walk to the park will clear these thoughts. You dressed up properly, since you were still in your pajamas even though you could care less about what the others will think but you guessed that it can save you from being teased and wasting your time, and flew out of the house after locking it. You landed at the Park's main entrance. The other monsters sent smiles and waved at you. You didn't acknowledge them and just tried to clear your mind with the Park's calming wind, the faint sound of humans and monsters chatting and also the sound of children playing. When you thought that the thoughts will finally subside,

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at them!"

"Oh sweetheart, look away. It might attack you!"

"Hah! Look at that freak!"

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