• veggies : ( especially green vegetables ) can provide a more alkaline environment so the bad breath that causes acid in your body balances out.
• drink water : by drinking 48 ounces of water, it lubricates your mouth, and keeps your body functioning normally.
• brushing and flossing : by doing both of these things, it can help your teeth avoid plaque and brushing your tongue can create a minty fresh taste and breath.
• mouthwash : keeps your mouth moist because your saliva helps wash away odor and cavities that cause bacteria and that awful smell in your mouth.
• sugar free gum : mint gum can create a minty breath. gum containing sugar can create bacteria and staining so that's a no-no.
• lipgloss : having a nice scented lipgloss can distract the smell of unbrushed or teeth that is not flossed.
self care
Randomtips and techniques to take better care of yourself also some motivation and inspiration such as cute pics and quotes (: