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We finally arrived in London. We were already walking into our hotel to check in. It was beautiful. Megan turned to me and said thank you for everything and the others soon followed. I said your welcome. I told them thanks for joining me on this trip.

We all got checked in and we started to run to the elevators to our floor. We couldnt wait to check out our suite. My aunt was gracious to help pitch in with some of the money. The elevator door dinged to our floor. We were on the 8th floor. We got off and started walking to our suite our number to our room was 804. I took out our key card which all of us received put it in the door and it clicked open. We open the door and walked in. Our mouths dropped. It was the most amazing room we had. We decided to explore the room as soon. As we walked in. I saw Hannah run to the master bathroom and heard her scream "Omg this tub is huge. Its like you could fit 6 people in it." I just started to laugh. The room had a master bath, 2 queen beds, a living room, a small kitchen and a medium balcony that overlooked the city. It was just stunning. After exploring we decided to check out the rest of the hotel after putting are bags away and unpacked.

But before we did that we all sat on the couch in the living room to discuss what other things we wanted to do as well. I already had an idea and was going to put a bunch of itineraries together for the week and a half we were staying but decided not to.

By now it was 9 am and we decided that today we were just going to explore the rest of what the hotel had to offer and look around at the shops they had.

By the time noon rolled around we decided to go to lunch and we decided this little resturant that was across to this little coffee shop called Bloomsbury Coffee House. The resturant was called New London Cafe. We walked in and they took us to our seat. We sat down and looked at the menu. The waitress Melissa came over and took our orders. I said "I wanted the grilled chicken ceaser salad" Megan got the chicken burger, Hannah got the peri-peri chicken, Elise got the BLT and Rachael got the 216 burger. After all was ordered we waited and talked some more. We talked about the week ahead and all the things we wanted to do and it was funny cause as we were walking to the resturant there was a billboard that talked about Harry Potter and the convention that was going to happen that week and how it was sold out all ready. We all wished we got tickets for it but I had a secrete to tell them later that night after dinner that I had order 5 tickets for us which included the VIP. I couldnt wait to see their reactions. I knew in my head to set up the camera later in a good spot away from them so they wouldnt see when I tell them. Only time would tell.

Finally our food came out and we started eating. We decided to share some of our food with each other to see what the other thought. I like all the food we tried from each other and I think we all agreed. Once we were done we paid the bill and tipped our waitress Melissa. We thanked her for a wonderful service and left.

Mr. And Mrs. RickmanWhere stories live. Discover now