Sunday's Meditation|june3 8:33

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Another end period to a never ending cycle. Millions flock to Sunday service in hope of receiving comfort, peace & salvation. What are we exactly seeking refuge from? For the majority it's the comfort of the world they've built a fortress around.
At times we escape one cycle just to trade it for another which we most commonly fail to realize. We're a product of our environment & just as we conform to a cellphone, once a new device premieres we instantly become insecure about what we have and came to understand. Outside judgment & praise distorts our confidence, leaving our fortress breached.
How do we combat this inconvenience?

First we must take time to reflect, subject ourselves to self judgment, it's the only way to get a vivid understanding of oneself. Test everything you think you know about yourself. There's know better refinement than self examination. So be still & knxw.

Next would be swift in action once you've gained your epiphany. Don't even allow yourself the luxury to over soak in your new found revelation. There's no better time than #NOW to start reconstruction or demolition of the old you, this eliminates self-pity & my friend the real world has no room for a person with such a crutch.

Lastly seek council! Real council think outside of the established theological institutions. Take that same cellphone that you cherish & utilize the social media to find like minded people that may be struggling to jump the same hurdles as you. Self conscious of people knowing the real you? I'd advise you to even go as far as exchanging dialogue with a "catfish", I mean aren't they in an obvious self conscious situation, how could it even go left these people are usually searching for healing themselves.

"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated"

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