Not Right

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Y/n POV~

The pressure left me ears. All around me was darkness. I tried looking around. Nothing. If I looked upward, I can see the light. Like sunlight peering through water.

I couldn't walk or run towards it though. I tried. I outstretched my arms up above my head, and forcefully pushed them downwards, fighting against the liquid trying to keep me down. I kicked my legs, and realized I could swim upwards. I continued this motion, until I reached close to surface.

I broke the surface of the deep liquid pool, and took a deep breath in.

I looked all around me. A hospital room? An IV was in my arm, and I was in a hospital gown. I felt...reborn...

I could see a mirror on the other side of the room. My hair seemed unkempt, but not exactly messy. My skin was pale, and I seemed..older.

Soon enough a doctor walked in with a clipboard. Her hair was a faded light brown, and she had faded brown eyes.

"Ms.Haddix! Glad you could join me today." She smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm the doctor who's been assigned to you for 4 years. Dr.Ophelia." The doctor smiled gently. She pushed her glasses up on her face a bit.

"F-four years?" I stammered, my throat aching.

"You don't remember? You got sent into a coma during your Spring Fling in high school." She explained. is a dream...there's no way...everyone would be here! Right?!

"N-no! Th-then where is everyone else?!" I exploded. My voice cracked and shattered as I spoke more. My throat began becoming overthrown with pain.

"Yeah your throat is going to hurt..." she trailed off, "I'll go get you your medicine." She finished.

I laid back in my bed, feeling like a salty teenager. "Oh by the way, feel free to check out those presents on the floor people left you." Doctor Ophelia told me, exiting the room.

I looked over the edge of my bed. The floor was littered with many presents. I started with the one closest to me. It was a small pink bag. I looked at the tag.

"Happy 17th birthday~Olivia" it read. I looked in it. Inside the bag was a My Chemical Romance hoodie. I smiled at it.

Her voice rung in my head, making me smile. I picked up a second bag. This one was purple with light blue tissue paper.

"Get well soon! ~ Trinity" I peered inside the bag. Star Wars hoodie. She knows me too well...

All the thoughts of us came flooding back into my mind.

Doctor Ophelia handed me some pills and a small cup of water. I took the medicine. She placed a muffin in front of me, and threw away the cup. I quickly ate the muffin, and I felt as if I was starving. To be honest, I wanted another muffin, but hospitals give you meals at certain times a day. Ugh.

"Oh Ellie one more thing!" Doctor Ophelia smiled. I looked at her with a confused face. "Happy 20th birthday~" She sung. September is September 9th...I'm officially 20. Holy Indigo...

"Thank you." I softly spoke.

I was watching re-runs of Glee episodes when I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in!" I softly spoke. In came 2 people. 2 VERY familiar people. Olivia and Trinity...

"OH MY SEPTEMBER YOURE ACTUALLY AWAKE!" Olivia yelled, dropping the bag in her hand, and running towards me.

"wait...WHAT?!" Trinity squealed, quickly scattering to my beside. They both hugged me tightly, tearing up a little.

"I HAVE A LOT OF TEA TO TELL YOU!" Olivia shrieked out of happiness.


The doctors discharged me from the hospital, but told me I'd have to stay in a wheelchair for a couple days for safety reasons. The best explanation I got was that I haven't used my limbs in so long, it would be a little dangerous to walk around.

I was in Olivia's car along with Trinity. I sat in the back, my wheelchair was folded up and put in the trunk.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"O-oh...well everyone moved away these past 4 years you've been in a coma-"

"BUT! You can come live with me and Olivia! We're roommates now!" Trinity interjected.

"Oh...what about my parents?" I asked them.

"El...your dad moved 2 hours away from here. Your mom and stepdad left to live an hour away because your grandma had a stroke... and they needed to take care of her."

I remembered hair and blue eyes. ...what was his name though...

Cut Off {Strings of Fate Book:2}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin