Monty Pt.2 (Imagine)

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Part 2 requested by: Klaus_girl

Monty woke up just as Y/N was boarding the plane. He hoped that it was all just a dream and that Y/N was still laying beside him but when he looked to his left she was gone.


   It's been a year since I moved away, and I guess my parents hated New York just as much as I did because we are moving back home.

   I was excited to go back to Liberty High to say the least, the only part I wasn't excited about was seeing Monty.

When I first moved to New York, Monty and I kept a long distance relationship. Sure it was hard as hell, but we seemed to make it work. We would text, call, and FaceTime as much as we could.

We updated each other on how we were doing with school and other things. It was going pretty good, I was even supposed to go down to see him on Spring Break.

That didn't happen.

After about seven months of me being in a different state than Monty, he stopped talking to me. He didn't read my texts, answer my calls, or answer my FaceTimes. He completely cut me out of his life.

I don't really know why but I can only assume it was because he just couldn't do the long distance thing anymore. I get it, but it still hurt. A lot.

"We're boarding the plane now, hun," my mum calls from ahead of me.

I gently shook my head trying to forget about seeing Monty again, "coming!" I yelled over to her.


The plane landed and my parents and I were close to our new house. It was around nine at night and my parents had paid movers in advance to move everything into the house so all we had to do was unpack.

   Just as I began to unpack one of the boxes in my room my mom walked in, "Y/N, you should get some rest. We had a long flight and you have school tomorrow," she told me.

   I groaned in annoyance, "why can't I stay home tomorrow? It's gonna be a nightmare for me to wake up at six fucking o'clock," I sassed.

   My moms face turned strict, "watch your language please young lady," she warned. "And you have to go because you and I had a deal. If you go to school tomorrow, your father and I will unpack most of the boxes."

   I rolled my eyes, "well karma's gonna be a bitch to you tomorrow morning when you try to pry me out of bed," I responded throwing some clothes into an empty dresser.

   My mom told me to watch my language again and then proceeded to go to her and my dads room.

   I had a quick shower, threw on my pyjamas and went to bed.

   God help me tomorrow.


"Y/N honey! It's time to get up!" My Dad called from outside my bedroom door.

I knew my mom wouldn't dare try to wake me up this morning.

"Give me a minute I'm getting there," I mumbled, sleep clearly present in my voice. I sat up in my bed letting the cool morning air hit my bare arms. I groaned tiredly and trudged over to my closet grabbing some clothes to wear.

I did my usual routine which consisted of brushing my teeth, washing my face, lightly curling my hair, and doing some light makeup.

Once I was finished I walked downstairs and made myself a smoothie before heading to school.

I got there slightly early so that I could avoid the morning rush of school kids in the hallways.

Once everything was settled at the office and I got my schedule, I found my locker and unpacked everything into it.

I had around twenty minutes to kill before first period so I decided to go hangout outside of the school.


There was now only two periods left of the school day and I managed to avoid Monty. He hasn't been in any of my classes and I haven't seen him in the hallways once so he still doesn't know I'm here.

It's lunch time right now and I was back hanging out outside the school under a tree, and I was accompanied by my old friend Alex Standall.

Reached into my coat pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out of the box and lighting it. I know, a bad habit of all habits to acquire but a friend from my New York school introduced me to it and now it's stuck.

I blew the smoke out of my mouth and just as I did so I saw Monty walk out of the school hand-in-hand with a blonde girl.

It caught me by surprise, making me choke lightly on the smoke from my cigarette.

"Jesus Y/N, you alright?" Alex asked chuckling lightly.

I nodded laughing along, "yeah, yeah, I just saw Monty and it caught me by surprise," I explained. I had already told Alex everything that happened between us so he understood what I meant.

He nodded and I passed him my cigarette. He put it between his lips, blew the smoke out, and passed it back to me, "shit looks like it's my time to get going," he blurted out quickly and then stood up and walked away.

Before I had time to respond I saw Monty walking up to me, "since when did you come back?" He asked casually.

I took a drag of my cigarette and then answered, "last night."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "you kinda stopped all contact with me so why should I have told you?"

He avoided my question and stated down at the cigarette in my hand, "since when do you smoke?"

"Since when do I matter to you?" I laughed harshly, standing up and throwing my backpack over my shoulder. I threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it under my foot, "I gotta go. See you around Montgomery," I said and then proceeded to walk back into the school.

I'm gonna make a Part 3 to this cause I didn't wanna make this really long...

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