Chapter 4

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September 2016

"Hey, Tyler?" You tugged on the sleeve of the boy beside you to draw his attention away from his camera.

"Yeah?" He turned to you as he lowered his camera from his face. You pointed down the corridor and he followed to where, or more who, your attention was aimed at.

"Is she new? I haven't seen her before." Hannah Baker. The name came immediately to him.

"Uh, y-yeah. She was at that party that got thrown to kick off the year, I think." You're mouth parted in a light 'o' to show you're interest, making Tyler chuckle lightly.



"Hmm. She's certainly making a name for herself." You glance down at the picture glowing on your phone. Tyler nods, but doesn't seem entirely with you. Moving out of the small chair, you creep over to him and wrap your arms around him, catching him off guard. You peek at what has his attention, only to feel disheartened. Six or seven pictures of Hannah hang above the both of you.

"I can't let you out of my sight for a second, can I?" You squish your cheek against his as he hastily tries to hide the pictures, but the sheer number of them makes his attempt futile.

"It's j-just because she's new, I swear." You smile softly, resting your chin on the boy's shoulder.

"Whatever you say." The room fell silent, and you let Tyler get back to his work with your arms still wrapped around his torso. You hear the door open and light flooded into the room. Tyler swiftly turned around in your arms so you were pressed against his chest.

"Does nobody know how to kno-! Ah, Hannah?!" You feel Tyler start to move, so you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, moving your arms to his neck. Being used to this, Tyler moves forward as if nothing was odd.

"You guys sure are close." Hearing Hannah's voice was weird to you, since you had already decided you guys were in different crowds and you wouldn't have to meet her. You twist around and stare her straight in the eyes, a blank look on your face.

"I am severely touch-starved and I need Tyler or I will off myself." You turn back around without further elaboration, tuck your head into the crook of Tyler's neck and started to play on your phone as if nothing had happened.

"Ahaha... Don't mind her, she's not s-so good with people..." Tyler tried to lessen the tension you had created.

"D-did you need something?" The conversation that ensued neither intrigued or involved you, so you zone out and focused on your game.

You feel Tyler sway as you heard the door open and swing shut. He moves to sit on a stand-alone stool as you pull yourself away from your game.

"So, what she want?" Tyler raises an eyebrow at your question.

"You were in the room the whole time."

"Yeah? You know I don't listen in." He chuckles lightly.

"If you're gonna ask why not listen." You shrug at him, tucking your phone into his pocket. You pull yourself off his lap and grab your bag.

"I'll see after after class, yeah?" You swing the strap over your shoulder and head towards the door. He nods as you leave, watching the door shut behind you.



"Hey." A familiar voice causes you to jump. You close the door of your locker and look at the culprit; none other than Hannah Baker stands smiling at you. You shrink away from the unfamiliar situation.

"He-hello?" You usual instincts for a possible bitch encounter kick in, ready to leave any any given time.

"We didn't really get to talk before. I'm Hannah." She holds out her hand in a gesture of good will, but you flinch away at the movement. Staring at her hand, you slowly take it and give her your name. She smiles, retracting her hand and readjusts her bag strap.

"Sorry if I scared you." You shake your head, wringing your hands together.

"N-no, it's fine. Most people don't talk to me, and when they do it's not preferable. You just caught me off guard." Hannah look a little perplexed at you answer.

"Not preferable?" You shrink away from her again, not wanting to explain yourself to a stranger, especially one who doesn't seem to know how this school works yet.

"It's nothing. Just antisocial. That's it. Most encounters are less than casual. I'll stick with Tyler. He's nice." Hannah raises an eyebrow, your antsy nature telling her there's a little more to your apprehension than being antisocial, but she lets it slide.

"Yeah, you two seem really close." You smile at her at the change in topic.

"Yeah! Tyler's the best. We can hide in the dark room, and he gets me so I don't need to be scared around him." You find yourself rambling lightly to Hannah. She smiles as you seem to relax with her, letting you talk until the bell goes.

"Hey, we better get going, but you seem really nice. Want to hang out some time?" You are a little taken aback by the question, but you'd have to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. She didn't seem too bad though.

"S-sure!" Hannah smiles and brings out her phone. She lets you put in your number and your name.

"Just text m-me later. Tyler's got my phone at the moment." Hannah nods and you exchange goodbyes before heading off to your classes. You can't help but smile to yourself.

Life in a Den of Lions (Tyler Down x reader)Where stories live. Discover now