Fake Love

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I fell down a hole and chased after a white rabbit

The clock keeps ticking, but I run mindlessly anyway

In this Fantasy Land, it's just you and me

No one to judge, no one to mock or criticize us

You paint this world with magic and colour and I watch in awe

I'm trapped like a broken mannequin

Playing out this fake, fake love

Like a waterfall, I'm overflowing with happiness

Euphoria, heaven, utopia, whatever you call it,

I know it's you. You give me fire. You give me hope. You give me life.

A blindfold sets over my eyes, handcuffs on my wrists. I hear nothing but you.

Walk, you say. Walk ahead. Come to me.

Stay with me. I'll lead you to never-ending paradise.

It's safe with me. Just give me the keys to your heart.

And I'll be forever yours, till death do us part.

I fell down a hole and chased after a white rabbit

The clock keeps ticking, but I run mindlessly anyway

In this Fantasy Land, it's just you and me

No one to judge, no one to mock or criticize us

You paint this world with magic and colour and I watch in awe

Bang. A blow comes to our crystal ball

The mirrors crack into millions of shards

Cutting me left and right, I bleed into your hands

The foolish me still picks up the broken pieces

To piece together this illusion of love.

Fake love, don't tell me that it's fake love.

Tell me instead that this is true love.

But I know ... I know it's fake love.

I'm trapped like a broken mannequin

Playing out this fake, fake love

My back has fallen hard into the winter waters

The ice beneath me cracked or was it you that pushed me in?

Why, Why ... Why did you do this to me?

I gave you everything: my soul, my heart, and my mind.

And this is how you love me? Why? Why is this fake love?

For you, I painted myself a new portrait and rewrote my own personality

In your palms, I rot like an overripe pear

That you dispose for the soil to swallow me whole

True love, I want to believe in it so much,

Even when the leaves have fallen and summer has slept.

I swim to shore and start this epic journey again,

Of finding you and trusting in you.

Bang. A blow comes to our crystal ball

The mirrors crack into millions of shards

Cutting me left and right, I bleed into your hands

The foolish me still picks up the broken pieces

To piece together this illusion of love.

Fake love, don't tell me that it's fake love.

Tell me instead that this is true love.

But I know ... I know it's fake love.

I'm trapped like a broken mannequin

Playing out this fake, fake love

Don't toy with me again and again.

Don't yank the chain around my neck.

Kiss me. Embrace me. Tell me that you truly love me.

Woo me with a sweet serenade

And I'll believe in you all over again—this fake love.  

Love Yourself - TearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora