Love Maze

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No street signs, no signs of life, only a fading yellow light

Is that you guiding me or is that just my mind fooling me?

One look at you and I'm already sprinting.

I run ahead with all my might and breath, like a game of cat and mouse

You run. I seek. You hide. I find. Catch me, you tease. Catch me if you can.

At a corner, my hand nearly grasps the edge of your dress,

but you, you disappear in the nick of time

Stringing me along on your fingers

Don't confuse me more when my every step sinks deeper into the grimy mud

I know it's time to give up, but I'm caught in this love maze.

You, the temptress, you are. You trap me like the Lady of the Lake.

And I'm Merlin at your disposal

I'd give you all of my heart and soul just to please you

But no, it's never enough.

More, you say.

More and more. I want more.

Give me every part of you

And I'll give you every part of me.

I know. I know so well that it's a thick, sticky web

Yet I plummet to your hands.

You, the Black Widow.

I'll let you eat me whole and chew me through and through.

Leave me with nothing but bones

For love, I'll do anything.

Anything you request, I'll be at your service.

You've already got me tied up in this maze

Imprisoned in this labyrinth

Running closer and closer to that Minotaur

A punishment of my sin and greed

Lead me away, away from this trickery

Take me by the hand and

Lead me away from this love maze

Direct me ... to the exit of this maze

And right to your heart.

Block all the white noise

Even when the painting records our dark stories

Let's enjoy what we have now

Isn't that what people say: carpe diem?

Rather live coolly than die without a flame

Don't worry. Don't think. Just believe in me.

This love isn't Titanic.

History won't repeat itself.

Even if people say we're wandering aimlessly,

I have faith in us. After all, you're my flashlight in this obscure journey

This promise of bliss, I can't wait

Even if we trip and fall, don't fret

We're joined too close to break

Unity, we've bonded eternally

One glance and you already have opened up my heart

Imprisoned in this labyrinth

Running closer and closer to that Minotaur

A punishment of my sin and greed

Lead me away, away from this trickery

My heart is already beating in your hands

What more do you need or want?

Just let me believe in you

And you believe in me

Ignore that rotting portrait in the background

That's not us. That's definitely not us.

We're forever young, forever us from the start

We've said our vows and even let our fingers bleed

Chained to this perpetuity

On an everlasting cycle of running

To you and then to me

Imprisoned in this labyrinth

Running closer and closer to that Minotaur

A punishment of my sin and greed

Lead me away, away from this trickery

Take me by the hand and

Lead me away from this love maze

Direct me ... to the exit of this maze

And right to your heart.

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