Chapter 1

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I glanced up as the bell rang. He walked through the door. Our eyes locked. His beautiful blue eyes locked with mine. I had no idea who he was, but I wanted him to be mine.

Let me catch you up tp speed, my name is Isabella but everyone calls me Bella. I'm a junior in high school. I'm really involved, I'm on a lot of teams at our high school. I run track, i do soccer, swim, and softball. Im always busy. I have They are seniors and then our oldest brother Blake is in college. My dad is a coach at the college he attends. I feel like I have to be strong and cant really grieve my mom in front of my family. They are always so strong and I feel like a liability to them. So I got involved, I keep myself busy, i feel like if i slow down i wont be able to handle it. So, i keep myself busy with sports, school, and when i have no homework, games, or practices, i try to hang out with my best friend Jes. She knows what I'm doing but she also knows that she cant get me to change the way I'm doing it. So you are caught up on my backstory now lets start from today, the beginning.

My alarm went off but i was already awake staring at my ceiling. I jumped up and showered real fast. I picked a casual outfit to wear on the first day of school. I wore some ripped jeans with a maroon spaghetti strap top with a light black Nike jacket to cover my shoulders. I slipped my black converse on and pulled my hair up. Had really long, dark brown hair. It was perfectly straight. When my hair was in a ponytail it went to my mid-back. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my normal light natural makeup. I grabbed my back-up and ran downstairs to the kitchen, i grabbed a smoothie and an apple and sat at the counter waiting on Luke and Liam. I didnt like to take my truck to school on days that I could just catch a ride home with the boys or Jes. Liam ran downstairs and tossed his backpack on the couch.

Hey sis. He said with his mouth full of oatmeal.

Hey, is Luke coming. I need to be early today. Im suppose to meet Jes. I said standing up and washing my hands.

He was trying to remember how to tie his shoes. Liam said as we both started laughing.

Whats all the laughing about down here? Luke said as he grabbed an apple and headed to the truck.

Just Liam being Liam again. i said as i ran to shotgun.

Really Bells! You know i hate backseat. Liam said complaining and pleading for the front seat.

Well maybe it hates you too, but y'all should really make-up cause you will be back there every time I ride with y'all. Liam groaned and got in the back. I put my headphones in and listened to music the entire ride to school. We arrived at school and I got out of the car and went into the building. I went to my first class and sat down, I waited for Jes to arrive then she ran into the room squealing. I took my headphones out and started laughing at her.

Well?? she said as she sat next to me.

Well what? i looked at her in confusion.

Luke She said looking at me, with deep piercing eyes.

I did not figure out what hes getting you for your anniversary sorry. Oh yeah Jes and Luke had been dating for a year. Today was their anniversary.

Dang it! she said leaning back in the chair and kids started filling the room.

I know i failed you. I said dramatically while grabbing her forearm. We both started laughing when the teacher came in the room. And that gets us back to where we were.

I glanced up as the bell rang. He walked through the door. Our eyes locked. His beautiful blue eyes locked with mine. I had no idea who he was, but I wanted him to be mine. We made eye contact as he walked in and took the only empty seat available. Which worked for me cause we could both look at each other without anyone noticing. Class went by quick but it felt like forever which was okay.

We will begin assigning groups tomorrow. The teacher said as the bell rang. Bella and James stay after please. He also said. I looked up to Jes and shrugged i didnt know what this was about. I grabbed my backpack and walked down to our teachers desk.

Is something wrong Mr. McConnell? i had asked him hoping he didnt catch me and new guys intense eye staring.

No Miss Bella, you are on the list to give tours to new kids and help them around the school. You were assigned Mr. James also because it seems yall have the same schedule besides 1 class. Which actually is the same cause yall both have an off period. He explained to us.

Oh ok, so you have Anatomy next class? I asked James as we walked out of the classroom.

Yeah. Is all he said back but i almost fainted, his voice. I didnt know how to describe it. All day we got to know each other. He has a little sister in elementary and lives with his dad, his mom died in childbirth with his sister. His dad hasnt really been around since, and he just moved to town he use to live an hour away. Then lunch came and he was me and Jes main topic.

Im not kidding his voice was heavenly, and hes like beautiful. And so caring and the way he spoke of his sister. And get this he lived an hour away this entire time. Mr.Perfect dream lived an hour away from me all these years. Where was he 2 years ago! We could be planning our wedding right now. Me and Jes busted out laughing. That night James was all I could think about. The next morning I was really excited to see him, which was stupid to me cause I just met him. I curled my hair and pulled it into a high ponytail, i wore some black ripped jeans with an off the shoulder tank that said frozen love with a melting broken heart. I ran downstairs grabbed an apple and ran and got in the truck honking the horn.

Were gonna be late!!! the boys came running down the stairs and into the truck on the way to school Luke and Liam were talking about the party tonight.

You still not going Bells? Liam had asked me.

Actually, me and Jes decided we would. I replied to him.

Just dont wear one of your showy swimsuits Luke said to me. They are so overprotective its annoying.

No promises. I said as i got out at the school me and Jes walked to Mr. McConnell's class. When we arrived at the door he was telling us our group.

Miss Bella and Miss Jessica y'all are in the same group, but your partners are James and Cade. He told us. The way the project was set up was that we do all of it with a partner and then get another group of 2 and there project and combine them. My partner was James, which worked for me. I looked up and saw him sitting there for me. HIs longer dirty blonde hair gelled up. We started the project then went to the next class. I told him about the party tonight and he said he hoped to see me there. Then me and Jes left as soon as our off period started to get ready. I picked out a bright red one piece that comes around and is tied in the middle right over my belly button. The back is open and it shows my stomach the way its tied off. I left my hair pulled up then I grabbed some slides. Then me and Jes were off to the party.

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