Chapter 36: Pink Hair and Red Lipstick

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AN: So big plot line is coming. This is a filler with some other people drama. 41k rads Thank you all so much!! Hope you enjoy!!

It takes place a little after last chapter. Probably a few weeks. Ish.

Written 6.3.18


My room had changed a lot since Toni and I got together.

The walls were littered with her Polaroids of us, nature and other things she took pictures of.

I had a huge quote painted on the wall, done by Toni.

"'You can't pray away the gay' -Callie Torres" it read. Next to that we're all the notes, framed, she had written to me apologizing.

A picture of our hands holding our two cherry coke bottles next to each other was also hanging on my wall.

Her cloths were now stuffed into my closet and drawers. I wore a lot of her cloths now instead too.

Her wardrobe had changed, too. It now a more obvious speck of red throughout.

I now had a use for my double vanity in my bathroom. My side was organized with my makeup and toiletries, whereas her side was messy with various things spread out wherever.

My shower now had her shampoo and conditioner and her special hairs stuff for her pink hair.

Some of my pillow cases were ruined due to the pink dye bleeding through.

My room lingered with the scent of strawberries, vanilla, and cherries combined.

"Why do you dye your hair?" I asked her as I tried to clean the pink out of the shower.

"My grandmother." She replied.

"What, she only gave you a cookie if your hair was pink?" I asked her.

"No. She died of breast cancer. Since my mother and father were always at odds so she took care of me. She got sick when I was seven and died when I was ten. It's kinda of like an appreciation to her." She told me.

"Oh. That's a lot more deep than I expected." I replied.

"The color kinda stuck." She said.

"Well I will stop dissing on all the dye everywhere." I told her.

"I can stop if you want me to." She said.

"Of course not! I don't want you to feel you have to change for me." I answered.

"If you told me to, I'd change anything about me." She told me.

"So, I can change your outfits?" I asked her.

"Almost anything." She replied.

"Wow, I am offended." I teased.

"So if I told you to not wear the red lipstick anymore because I didn't like it, would you change?" She asked me.

"Okay some things are forbidden to diss." I said.

"That's what I thought." She chuckled.

"Why such a prominent red?" She asked me.

"Well, as you know, we Blossoms live and die by our red hair." I told her.

"I've only heard this about a million times." Toni laughed.

"Yes well one day my mother was being, my mother and started hating on Heather for being in my life. So I wore bright red lipstick and kissed Heather on the cheek, since you could obviously see the stain. My mother was outraged when she saw it but I loved it and promised myself to always wear it." I told her.

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