Chapter 37: Fifth-Wheeling

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AN: Here's the plan. This chapter and next will be fillers/Cheryl's birthday party. 39 will start the big plot line which I have been teasing everyone about. Basically everyone said go longer than 50 chapters, so that's what I'll end up doing. Hope you enjoy!

Written 6.4.18


"How's the sex?" Veronica kept grilling me once we were in the car on the way to Pops.

"Great...on my end." I muttered.

"You haven't done anything to her yet?" She asked, "is she getting impatient or anything?"

"I'm not sure. She's really patient and understanding with me." I told her.

"Wow she's a keeper." Veronica said.

"Really? I was thinking of breaking up with her." I said sarcastically.

"I JUST WANT MY MAN BACK!" Veronica yelled out of no where.

"You'll get him back, V." I tried to comfort her. "T says that he's still hung up."

"Fuck you and your perfect relationship." She scoffed.

"We're not perfect." I said

"Fuck off." She spat as we pulled into Pops.

We walked in and saw Betty and Jughead sitting in a booth together as we walked over.

"Cousin Betty. Soon to be Cousin Hobo." I said and sat down.

"Did you tell them?" Jughead asked Betty.

"Wait you two are actually getting married?" I asked, shocked.

"Well, we were going to have an engagement party but I guess it's out now." Betty blushed.

"Congratulations!" I yelled.

"Why does everyone get a fucking relationship but me! But congrats." Veronica said.

"Where Toni?" Jughead asked.

"Therapy." I responded quickly.

"Oh. I was gonna ask her to be my best man." Jughead said.

"And speaking of, will you two be bridesmaids?" Betty asked me and Veronica.

"Of course!" I exclaimed.

"Defiantly." Veronica responded, "Um, who's maid of honor?"

"Well, it would be a close race but since Toni is the best man, Cheryl, will you be my maid of honor?" Betty asked me.

"Of course!" I said and silently gloated to Veronica.

"I'm sorry, V." Betty apologized.

"No, it's fine. I've been a bitch to everyone lately." Veronica said.

"Anyway, can you call Toni so we can announce our news?" Jughead asked.

"Yeah." I said and pulled out my phone and excused myself.

"T. Are you done with your session yet?" I asked her through the speaker.

"Yeah. On my way to the Wyrm now to talk to Pea." She told me.

"Do you think instead you could come to Pops? Betty and Jug have news." I said.

"Oh did Jones finally get the balls to ask her to marry him?" She snickered.

"You knew?" I asked her.

"Please. He's been squirming and asking me about all Betty's favorite things. He's been picking up jobs because he all of a sudden dropped some cash on a 'special gift for Betty'. He may be a  detective, but he sucks a keeping secrets." She told me.

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