Crowns Broken

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I remember when I first gave my trust; my innocence wasn't yet fragmented.
I still saw you in such a naïve perspective and it torments me knowing such hope is gone.
It all started with the abrasion of my mind…after all it’s a nightmare I can’t fail to remember…
How could I…it showed me the twisted nature of what was to come.
Don't you remember ?... the impel you inflicted on me…tearing my crown and showing the true weakness of my body.
In that moment I felt something detach; as if my pneuma left my weakened body and ascending away from such agony.
I then awoke somewhere contemporary with what I can call peace at the time of the detachment.
Where was I; a question I still ponder to this day but can not ever truly ever understand.
At the time I was petrified I still felt the agony…it was tearing me apart…but as my torment began to reach its peak it suddenly dissipated from my wounds.
I was shocked that I couldn't feel the pain, but that shock rapidly turned into awe for as I turned my adolescent eyes to what was before me.
A meadow of green reaching the horizon in all directions, soft aromatic blossoming florets of beautiful flowers and a ever so healing rays of shine on my skin.
I felt the sweet winds it reaches around me as if it’s brisk air extends itself embracing around my fractured self as if our meeting was that of a long awaited one.
As a ran towards this embrace I could feel everything being let go: my pain, my fear, my own mortality and I felt at peace in mind…but it didn't stay that way.

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