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As they wrapped me in a cloth I sensed something with me now…for when I visited the meadows I brought a “gift" back with me.
I could relive everything just by thinking of it; but that's only the fuel that feeds this parasite that lives in me.
Feeding of this pain growing in size then returning it’s offsprings to me…the first of which was an insatiable sadistic lust for violence…come on aren't you glad of my gift?
And the second is the one that torments me…calls me to the meadows…and whispers to me only one thing…barrenness is this desert of a pneuma.
You ripped my connection to it all: glee, amour, even my own ambitions…I was just too foolish and naïve to see what you had done.
But for now I arose petrified of everyone…I looked on with distrust at this patient worker…even if her intentions were of good will I didn’t care…she wanted to hurt me…
“They all want to harm you…they're all the same…”  I thought with a new dark crepuscular voice and as much I wanted to grab onto her and just ball my eyes out to release my pain…I couldn’t.
Something compelled me to stay and just stare at her with such distrust.
Then that’s when you stepped in; except something was different…I no longer saw a father…I saw Morningstar…a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
But I could not say anything that you did…for the same thing that compelled me to distrust the nurse compelled me to lose my voice and all I can do is stare at the this sight.
Then as we left this institution I stopped at stared at my own sight…I couldn’t recognize it…the reflection.
For in my own eyes the innocence died…and this heartless vessel was born.
As I look at you now I can only look to wonder…if your are endeared with the monster you created by your hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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