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Oh boy! Everyone's favorite vacation of them all: Summer vacation!

Months and months without learning and taking a break from the outrageous stress of work. School can be pretty exhausting for kids. Even for teachers.

Kids day and night doing homework or studying for an important test that might really count for their grade. While teachers teach kids all day and calculate the grades day and night for each and every single student.

What a year! It's now time to kick back and relax.


"What?! I have summer school? But mom, why?!" You said with your voice filled with anxiety, frustration, and confusion. And those three emotions clogged up your mind as well.

Your mom sighs and waves the envelope in the air by her neck "Sweetheart, don't you remember the grades you have been getting in Math? You've been getting low test scores and not doing the homework. You need to attend summer school now."

You groan "Ugh, okay mom. Geez, you had to ruin my summer break here." Your mom comes contact with you with her eyes to yours and frowns

"Young lady, you did this to yourself." You scoff "It's because nobody likes Math mom! It's confusing and hard."

"Well, get this straight honey: study!" She replies in a stern and strict tone. Your mom sighs and looks at the paper sheet from the envelope

"By the way, the school recommends you to have Baldi as your teacher. I wonder who's Baldi?"

Your eyes widen and stare at her dead in the eye. What you heard about Baldi is terrible.

He basically disciplines children by hitting them with a ruler. Not just any ruler, it's his special, long, wooden, smooth ruler.

He's fierce with it. He hits them when they get a question wrong in a math question. And he's basically the main person who owns the schoolhouse.

Good thing you got another teacher over the school year. But you didn't expect anything at all to have summer school with Baldi.

Any other teacher besides Baldi! You are basically getting your butt selling for free whips from a ruler.

You are in the path for some lot of punishment. Oh boy.

"But mom, Baldi is a terrible teacher who hits children with rulers whenever you get a question wrong!" Your mom chuckles

"Oh dear, that was back then! I'm sure your summer school teacher doesn't discipline children like that. Maybe people make that up to scare you."

At one point your mom was right. Sure, you didn't have Baldi then, but what if it was true?

"Well, back then is still now, mom! I'm really bad at math and he's going to probably whip my ass more than one time I bet!" You reply

"Watch your mouth young lady. And I don't want to hear no more excuses and/or buts! You're going to get educated better with Baldi helping you with math and that's that! Maybe that's why they recommended you to Baldi so he can teach you strictly about Math."

Your mom got you right there in the spot and you said nothing else but sigh in frustration. She walks away with the envelope in hand.

"I am so fucked." You cursed under your breath.

Summer school starts tomorrow and you have no choice but to actually start get serious with math. Math is like an real life enemy, who can really mess up your mind into solving complex questions.

But Baldi can be your archenemy. The main course, the main villain. With one hell of a long stick and wooden ruler. You're basically doomed at this point. So you have to build up confidence for yourself.


Funtastic Summer! - Baldi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now