~Chapter 1~

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The fact of going to summer school, 'summer' as the key word, will be the main weather in the school.

Heat, a lot of heat.

The school basically doesn't have the budget to get an air conditioner. None of the classrooms has any fan. No fan ceiling either. There's no fan located anywhere in the school.

Which adds to the list of 'Why summer school sucks'. But then again, in your thoughts, you replay that message your mom said "Young lady, did this to yourself."

There is no denying it but actually admitting it that the fact you did do this to yourself. And that's the ultimate punishment: getting Baldi as your teacher for summer school

Speaking of summer school, you are about to be getting ready for the first day of hell.

"Sweetheart! It's Monday, and today is the day where you have to be present at summer school! Get ready." Your mom says, while gently patting your back to signal you to get up from bed.

The first sound that escape your lips was a groan. You rub your exhausting eyes and blink several times to get clear vision. You arise from the bed, still continuing to rub your eyelids. Once it is clear, you look at your mom.

Her lips curve to a happy warm smile "Good morning baby, are you ready for this first day of summer school?" You roll your eyes at her "More like hell, mom." Your mom sighs and gets off the bed.

"C'mon, I'm serious, Sweetheart." She must be frivolous. You sigh and massage your own face, while replying, "Honestly, no mom. And I will never be ready. Anxiety is stabbing me."

"Well, don't let that anxiety stab you like that. Get up, pick out some clothes, okay? Meet me downstairs while I make you quick waffles." You nodded at her request and hop off of bed.

She exits out of your room and goes to the kitchen, while you drag yourself to the closet. You open the closet door, revealing all of your fabric clothing.

"Uhh.." You mumble, as you look through the available clothes. You didn't want to be picky and waste your time thinking on what to put, so you chose whatever fabric that's in front of you.

You put on a plain black t-shirt, and blue shorts. You don't put anything else on like jewelry or some other accessories.

It will be hot today and you don't want to loose your accessories when you loose your sanity over the heat.

With that done, you exit your room and head for the kitchen. You saw a couple of fresh waffles. At least this time she didn't microwave it. Letting it steam on a waffle maker sure makes it taste better.

At least breakfast isn't bad.

You let your nostrils smell the delicious waffles and hum "Mmm! Smells delightful, mom. I'm digging in!" You pick up a fork and just poke the waffle through.

You turn it upside down and took a big bite, devouring the scrumptious taste, making your taste buds tingle and begging to chow down more.

"Ahh..~ now this is breakfast!" You chirped. Your mom smiles at you, then she turns to look at the clock "Oh dear, you got to go. Want me to drive you to your school?"

You grab the other waffle and shove it into your short pocket, still devouring the first waffle. Your mouth is full with fluffy waffle so you muffle out, "Yesh pwease"

Funtastic Summer! - Baldi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now