January 29, 2018, Windsor House

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At the Windsor House, the Royal family was gathered in the big living room (Queen, King, Charles, William, Kate, Meghan and Harry). Finally the royal family and Sir Ford who deals with the genealogical monarchy (purely invented). Only one subject was at the table: the family tree.

- Are you sure what you are announcing? Asked the Queen 

- Yes Majester the Queen, I'm sure. 

- Why Diana would have done something like this, it's incense! Accusa Charles.

- I know it's difficult to cross your majesty but their update of the family tree we have found that a name appear under your and quoted Prince William and Prince Harry.

- You are sure that it is my mother who has to sign the register: Questiona William

- Affirmative Prince William: Said Sir Ford.

- May I see you please? Harry asked.

- Yes well on your Highness.

Sir Ford handed Prince Harry the register, and the family tree extended as William leaned over his shoulder to see what was going on.

- He bears our name: Aclama William.

- That's her full name: Kate asked.

Prince Maxime Charles William Harry of Wales: Harry answered him.

- He has other information look: He showed Meghan.

- What else: Asked the King.

- Born March 28, 1997 at 23:04 in Paris, Salpetriere Hospital, he is 20 soon 21. Delivery is good but he was declared asthmatic from birth.

- I can not believe Diana is hiding her: Said Charles.

- She did what seemed to be fair, Charles, We know she was not involved Diana involved with the people and the press and it was how an out-of-wedlock oyal child could have attracted the paparazzi, especially if this child was conceived after a divorce. She wanted to protect him : Said the Queen.

- I could protect him! William and Harry did very well: Declared Charles.

- Certainly but your relationship was not the same: said the Queen

- The question is not there: interrupts William.

- He is our Brother and he is outside while his place and near us: Affirms Harry.

-Harry is right, he must be found and the glass will be the best: answered William.

- And how ? We will be spotted directly by the press! Replied Charles.

- In any case the President of France must be aware, the press will be obliged to know that we want it or not. Moreover it will have to fill the part of its obligations and will have that ceremony to be recognized Prince and 7th heir of the crown: Assura the Queen.

- And if he does not want to, I mean we could already learn to know him? emana Meghan.

- Yes indeed would be better to know him before scare him with duty and the press. The celebrity does not agree with all the rise: Affirma Kate.

- I will not tell the president of my arrival in France and ask our request. Sir Ford, tell the press that the announcement will be made tomorrow morning, "said Charles.

- All suite Majester.

- And we come with you: Assured William and Harry.


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