January 31, 2018

650 16 4

Daily planet (Journal) : 

A crazy rumor has been going on since yesterday. A rumor that a prince of angletterre would have been hiding for almost 21 years old.

 Fashion (Journal) : 

The rumor of the Hidden Prince was confirmed by the Royal Family.

Stars & Gotha (Journal):

 Just this afternoon we were told that a hiding Prince who would be the little brother Prince William Duke of Cambrige and Prince Henry of Galle and the youngest of Prince Charles and Princess Diana would be to hide in France in Paris. Unfortunately his name was not communicated to us.

People ( Journal) :

Page 6 to 10. The Hidden Prince of England. Who is he ? Where is he ? A new chance to conquer a prince of the Royal Family is open. The girls put you in the saddle.

TV FRANCE : Flashinfos :

- Commentator: It's been around for almost 24 hours. And yes ladies and gentlemen this is new to was confirmed by the Royal Family. A Prince has been hiding for almost 21 years.

- Commentator: You realize, a young man who is here in France and actually a prince. It's a miracle.

- Commentator: Is not just any! This young Prince happens to be the last son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana as well as the 7th heir to the crown.

- Commentator: For young girls who did not understand. In your shoes, the dream of becoming a Princess is still relevant.

- Commentator: We will keep you informed if what account information is annotated.

- Commentator: It was Flashinfos on TMC

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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