Meeting In Mexico

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Lin wandered the busy streets of Mexico, content just exploring and looking around. Suddenly, he hears singing. Following the voice, it leads him to a theater. He steps inside, and the woman's voice grows louder.

Looking around, he sneaks into the show, where a musical was happening on the stage. Lin stares at you, who was singing in a gentle but powerful voice. He was entranced by not only your voice, but you.

After the play ended, Lin scanned the crowd. After a few minutes, he saw you walking out into the crowd, shoving things into a brown tote bag that had a flap. He opened the program and saw your name next to the character you had played.

Lin cautiously walks over. "Excuse me, Y/N L/N?"

You turn around, and time stops. This man was possibly the most handsome person you had ever seen. Beautiful, shining brown eyes, short, dark brown hair, a perfect goatee, and the kindest and most adorable smile ever.

Your heartbeat speeds up, and you smile shyly as everything and everyone stands still.

"I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda," he says, and the time freeze breaks. You're almost disappointed at the fact.

You shake his outreached hand, and you feel tingles shoot up from your palm. "Nice to meet you."

"You did a really good job."

"Thanks." You pause. Lin-Manuel Miranda. That was a familiar name. Wait... "Oh my gosh. You wrote In The Heights! You were Usnavi! Wow!"

Lin laughed kindly. "That's me."

"I love that show."

"Thank you."

You smiled, not able to help it around his infectious positive attitude. "So, how come you're in Mexico? Don't you live in New York?"

"I do. I'm here on a vacation."

You notice an Alexander Hamilton biography sticking out of his bag.

"Oh cool, you're reading about Hamilton?", you ask.

Lin looks down, then back at you. "I found this book in a shop and thought, 'Might as well try it.'" He paused. "This might sound crazy, but I'm thinking of writing a musical about him."

You shake your head. "No, that sounds really cool. He's way underappreciated."

Lin smiled. "I know!" He hesitated, and a nervous smile grew on his handsome face. "Would you like to come to my hotel pool and hang out? I could use some insight on Hamilton." When you don't reply, he says hurriedly, "Sorry, that was out of line. I mean, we just met like a minute ago, and-"

"No, it's okay," you say, cutting him off. For some reason, you felt like you could trust him. "That sounds nice."

You both smile, and he leads you out.

Turns out, you had a lot more in common than just Hamilton. You both love theater, music, and are very good freestyle rappers. Okay, so he was a little better than you. But he's Lin-Manuel Miranda. What did you expect?

As you both sat on the edge of the pool (after you had bought a swimsuit from a shop on the way), you asked, "So, did you come on this trip with family, or-?"

"No, I came here with my girlfriend, Vanessa."

You feel a pang in your heart, and curse yourself. You just met him, like a half hour ago. You couldn't possibly like him already. "Oh, okay," you say a little too cheerily.

You stand up, and he follows your lead. "Okay, so on the count of three, we should jump in," you say, and he nods. "One..." You both look at the beautiful blue water. "Two..." You two bend your knees. "Three!", you yell, and jump in.

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