Vs Ghost

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"That just makes it all the more easier to kill you." he sneers.

I was prepared to dodge any attack when a golden sword sliced through his body, followed by Keith. It didn't have any effect. The rest of the man turned into a shadow and put distance between us before returning to a full body.

"I don't like violence." he sighs. "I prefer to kill without the use of energy." His arms motioned outward and black smoke crawled along the floor and up the wall. Sirus sent his snakes out on a command and the man easily dodged the attack as Drew came up behind him, landing a strong punch to the jaw, sending the cloaked man stumbling forward only to be hit by keith's light magic. He regains his balance and touches his jaw and smirks.

"it seems that you are on a higher level then I thought. Allow me to tell you my name, I AM DEIMOS, THE GOD OF FEAR!! I have come from the underworld in search of our lost Prince, but you silly mages can call me Ghost."

The smoke or fog thing covered the entire room and nothing is visible. I called out to Keith but no response. I spun in a circle, trying to see through the darkness. I could feel my heart begin to race and hear Ghost chuckling. There's a sound of movement circling around me, I can hear it but can't pinpoint its exact location. I attack left and right, only getting air and frustration peeks in.

"nobody over there" I hear him snicker.

"Drew?! Sirus?! Keith?!"

I felt the smoke get thicker and pretty soon, all there is.....is silence. A small light flickered in front of me. My hand reached up and the with the slightest touch, it expanded and the room is now a dreamy like haze. I looked around, a bit confused but calm.

"who are you?" a voice echoes In the empty space.

"why do you run? What are you afraid of?"

The dream like haze fades into darkness and I find myself in Vernairl, my old home before I joined FeralHeart, but at a much younger age, about 5 or 6. The sky was gray and thunder can be heard in the distance. The air was every cold and people walked past me, paying no attention to a small child in need. Time past and small drops of water fell from the sky and I climbed on a bench letting my clothes eagerly soak up the water as less and less people passed. Very soon the rain fell hardener and not a soul to be found. Yet, I still sat there waiting. Waiting for what? Nobody cared, not one human. So Who?! WHO ARE YOU WATING FOR?!

"she's nothing but a freak"

"that THING shouldn't even exist."

"she and the rest of them are nothing but lab mutants."

Voices of men and women rang in my ears, but I felt no emotion to them. I didn't feel the pain anymore as the air froze and the cold rain turned to snow. The shadows on the ground begin stretching around me, wrapping around my ankles and dragging me in. I did nothing to stop it. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted someone to care, help me. My memories faded one by one and I could barely remember my own name. The shadow stopped swallowing me until my neck and some of my hand were out, like I'm in a spiderweb.

"who are you?" a small voice asks in the darkness.

"I don't know." my voice sounding feeble.

"who are you?" it asks again.

"I...I am...nobody"

"then why don't you disappear?" it asks in more of a question instead of a threat.

I didn't respond. I didn't really now why myself. My hesitation caused the shadow to crawl closer to my head and my heart beat slower. Why? Who is it? What is it?

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