Side episode. Enjoy:)

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Its been over three months since i joined FeralHeart and today was one of those slow days. Things were quiet, families out and about and the weather outside was even greater. Daniella and Jammie opened all the windows and the doors of the guild to let the fresh breeze inside. It felt really good. Everyone in the guild is in high spirits. Some drank and laughed and most of them surrounded one of the round tables in the middle of the guild, where Drew was holding an arm wrestling tournament. He boasts he's unstoppable with 37 straight wins. I smiled at how happy everyone is today from my seat at the bar when I heard Silver calling me from the left of the guild. He and Enik sat in front of a large tv with the other kids. All together there a 12 children ranging from 5-10 years old. Daniella and Gerreth were over their too, making sure the other children don't fight. I began walking to them when Drew jumps up on the table yelling victorious that he now has a record of 40 victories. It scared me and I rubbed the frizz on my tail down.

"YES! I AM THE CHAMPION!!!" He laughed throwing his arms up.

"You haven't won Drew. You never wrestled Ryouko." Garreth points to a young man dressed in all black and has a hood over his head. I've always see him sitting away from all the other guild mates and the next moment he's gone out on a job.

"what?! He's a summoner mage! Sure he'll beat me in a magic battle but if it's combat I've already won."

A smile appears on Garreth's face and Daniella giggles. They know something Drew doesn't. This should be good. I walk over and sit down next to Silver, and Enik jumps in my lap with a game controller in his hand and watches.

"You won't be the champ if you don't beat everyone in the guild."

"Fine!! Ryouko! Get your butt over here!"

Ryouko barely peeks at Drew from under his hood and silently takes his place on the opposite side of the table, placing his left arm on the table and taking Drew's hand in his, who had a smug look on his face. Sirus, who was referring the round readies them and I saw Daniella and Jammie grab a broom and pulled their hairs in a ponytail. What's going to happen? The second Sirus let go of their hands and said "Go" I saw the table break into small chunks and Drew's body flip along with the shattered pieces. The whole place was silent. Ryouko let's go of Drew's hand then nods at Sirus and walks out the door without a word.

Wow. I can not believe that just happened! Drew just got his butt whooped! I laughed along with everyone as Drew sulked at the bar.

"Sis, I wanna be like Drew." Enik tugged at my shirt. I never expected to here those horrible words come out of his mouth. Well, I guess it's not bad if he wishes to be strong as him.

"You can grow to be stronger than him if you want but you also have to have heart. Okay? Use your strengths to protect others."

"Yeah! And when me and Silver get older we can go on jobs with you! We'll be the strongest team ever!!"

It's adorable when they dream for the future. I don't want them to waver off that road. Enik puts the the controller in my hands and pulls me deeper into the crowd of children so I sit directly in front of the tv. There is some kind of RPG game they wanted me to play cause they have a hard time beating it. Silver was showing me how to control the character when I felt my hair being tugged and my tail being wrapped around something. Four girls were brushing and styling my hair and two boys were doing an impression of snobby rich people, using my tail as one of those fluffy boa they wear. I ignored them and started playing the game. One fight became two, and two fights became three and I got to my fifth boss battle, a fight between the hero and a three headed dragon that can slow down time. The kids cheered me on shouting "You're almost there!! You can do it!!" I kept jamming the box button and the triangle, executing combos. My mind was focused on killing that dragon when it's HP got lower than 120. I jumped to my feet and my tail wagged furiously as I watched his health quickly lower. 89......56.......23......14......

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