Chapter 2

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Cameron walked towards the girl after greeting and taking pictures with his fans. He left Nash to talk longer with his."So,i never got your name?" Cam asked

"Oh''s Riley" The girl started to go shy again.

"Ah that's a very cool name, I'm Cameron, Cameron Dallas" Cam gave a cheeky grin to the girl. Alexa just laughed at him.

"What's so funny? haha is it my face?" Cam asked rhetorically. "So tell me what's happened beautiful" Cam led the girl over to a shady area where a tree hung over them.

"Well my boyfriend...well ex was called Jaylen. He was so sweet to me from the first day..but recently he's been so quiet and actually today is the first time we've been out in a while" Alexa stopped to think.

"Man..this guy sounds quite okay" Cam said quietly.

"Oh he is okay but" Alexa started to sniff as if she was going to cry again, but she didn't.

"Give me a description of what he looks like"

"Umm.. he's hot wavy brown hair with a tattoo on his arm saying 'love life' with a heart around it, I never told you about my best friend Alexa did I?"

"Nope tell me about her then" Cam said listening in.

"Ugh, she's so horrible to me sometimes, but other times I love her to pieces. We'd been friends since we were 10 and we just we had everything in common."

"What does she look like?" Cam said getting out a pen and writing down what he remembered Riley described Jaylen as onto his hand.

"She has long hazel coloured hair with these big silver earrings." Alexa laughed at that point.

" umm what are they both wearing?" Cam was still writing down all of the descriptions while Riley was talking.

"Umm well Jaylens wearing black jeans and a long blue t-shirt with red vans and Alexa's wearing very short denim shorts with a pink crop top and I think she's wearing flip flops, but I wanna know why you've asked me for their descriptions Cameron?" a The girls face looked questioning at Cameron.

"Well beautiful... I'm gonna track down Alexa and Jaylen for you and I'm gonna tell them about it all and try to sort this out before all the gigs start" Cam said very certain. " So see you in a bit, stay over on the hut with Bryant, he'll look after you." Cam led the girl over to Bryant, explained what he had to do for Riley to him and then grabbed Nash and said "Come on bro we've got a mission to solve!"

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