Chapter 5

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Ally pov

Let's say that night was perfect. I got to be free and dance, perform, and just be with my mate and friends. I got ready for the day cause Xavier wanted me to go to his school which I am not to happy about he never even asked me if I wanted to go to school he just signed me up.

It's 6 o'clock right now and I jumped into the shower. I washed my hair with cherry shampoo and conditioner and washed my body with vanilla body wash. I smelled good. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. Then I pulled out my hair dryer and my makeup bag and my curling iron. Cause I would need them. I wanted back in my room and when into my closet. I am not in the same room as Xavier cause I like the bed in this room. I know it is stupid reason but if you laid on this bed once you would be in love.

I pick out my black leather jacket and my black top that said " wild child" that was in white lettering. Then I put on my white skinny jeans and my black vans. I mean I think that is a cute outfit. I went back into the bathroom I curled my hair and then did my make up. I did my usual i eyeshadow the smokey eye thing. With red lip stick it just brings out my eyes and makes me look hot which I like.

I made my way downstairs and everyone turned around and looked at me so I turned around out of the kitchen and walked out of the house. That's when Xavier came out and glared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Your not sleeping in my room" he said

" I will sleep in your room when you buy me a car" I said

" then I will buy you a car" he laughed

"Why is everyone glaring at me?" I asked

"Oh they think you ate the ice cream" he said

"Can I ride your motorcycle today?" I gave him puppy dog eyes

" sure here are the keys you know where the school is I told you last night" he said I nodded I gave him a kiss goodbye

I grabbed my backpack and went to the garage and opened it and I starred the bike and drove away. I decided to go to the paint store and pick up spray paint. I picked black, green , purple, blue, red. One for each of my friends. Oh I might of forgot to say some of the bad kids from my old pack go here. And I told them to come early. I pulled up to the school to see them all on motorcycles.

" what's up Nikki , Tyler , Dylan, Morgan , Lola" I said while pulling them into a hug

" how have you been ally bear?" Tyler asked he is my second guy bestfriend Dylan is first

" nothing just found my mate" I said and rolled my eyes I didn't want them to think I enjoy it.

" well don't go soft on us but I see your not your still wearing your leather" Lola said

Me and Lola have been bestfriends since we were little

" I never take it off but I had to wear pink yesterday" I said frowning

They all came in hugged me

" hey come to the skate park with us after school" Nikki said

" I forgot my board" I said

"Good thing I brought an extra" Morgan said I hugged her

" well then how can I say no" I laughed so did they

That's when my whole pack started to driving in

" I brought spray paint" I said a whisper only

They all grew a grin and we all high fived

" the one and only ally smith" Dylan laughed

"Awe you know you love me Dylan" I said while I hugged him that's when someone growled

"Freak off Xavier" I said with a smirk

"Ally why are you acting like this" Xavier said

"What being myself" I said yes I know I can be a total b*tch

He hurried away like I just kicked him in the butt. Yes I love telling him off I thought he was suppost to be a bad boy I guess not. I handed everyone their own can they shoved them into there backpacks.

" hey come with me is I can get my classes" I said

They all followed me into the office

" ally , ally smith" I said

" here it is now go " she said

"Bye " I said while grabbing the paper

I walked out to see my friends

" hey my friends " I screamed

Dylan grabbed my paper

" we all have everything together and you locker is next to Nikki's" he said with a smile

" yes" I said while jumping up and down

We went to my locker and and I got everything I needed bye that is a note book and a pen and my phone then went off to 1st period which is English. We walked in and all eyes were on us. We all smirked and made our way to the back of the class room. We all sat next to eachother.

The funny thing is soon as we sat down we all put or feet on of desk and pulled out or phones and listened to music. The bell rung and we all sat the same. I started to text them in a big group message which was really funny. The teacher didn't even care that we weren't paying attention.

After that period the day went fast before I knew it was lunch. Hehe lunch. We all walked in and all eyes were on us again people have some staring problems. I know it's hard not to look at me. We got our lunch and made it to our table.

"Why does everyone have a staring problem?" I asked

"Cause your with us we are troublemakers" Lola smirked

"Yeah nobody messes with us" Morgan said

"Well of they try we will just beat them up" Nikki said

Everyone looked at each other and nodded

Lunch went fast we were all laughing I didn't even know my mate was in the lunch room until I saw him sucking face with another girl. Dylan noticed I saw this and he carried me out of the lunch room. Nikki Tyler Lola Morgan following. We had one more period of the day and that was our free period so we went up to the roof and sat.

"Why would he do that?" I said angrily

" it's okay my mate rejected me and mated with someone else" Dylan said

" oh I am sorry" I said

" no worry show about we leave early" Lola said and we all got up and went to our lockers and got our stuff. Then we headed over to the skate park.

"Oh Dylan I think ally is showing you up" Lola said I laughed

"Oh know one can show me up right ally?" He said

" I don't know about that Dylan I been practicing" I laughed and did some tricks

After skating for a while we went to the mall. Yeah I like shopping up this is for my own good. We bought me some fake piercings but I got my nose and belly button done. I bought combat boots. Some band tshirts. And me and the girls got some other things they also got their nose done and bellybutton.

"Please have a sleep over with us?" The girls begged so did the guys which I thought was weird

"Okay were are having a movie night" I said while going to the motorcycle I tied all my bags to my backpack and I was off to my old pack house this should be fun I can see my dad and mom ..... And my brother!

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