Chapter 16

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Unknown pov

They seem so happy.... I don't like it at all. They killed my family and took my place in thrown. They aren't even acting royal they are just being teenagers. I just understand why they didn't stay in Australia and live their lives. I hope they know how much trouble they are going to be in. Once Alex has that baby I am going to attack and take what's mine. And know one is going to stop me.....

Dylan's pov

Everyone has been having fun and living their lives but now I am giving everyone training we all need to be in the best of shape considering we could be attacked at anytime. And I kinda feel like something big is going to come something evil. And plus Ally is pregnant she don't even know she is but I can hear it heart beat I am sure everyone else can to but we want her to figure out herself. But she soon is going to realize cause she cried cause her pants didn't fit this morning.... Let's day it was hard calming her down. And let's not mention she wakes me up in the middle of the night to get her a pickle then she cries cause she thinks pickles should be purple. Crazy pregnant women and it's bad cause Alex is always trying to bite my ear off or something like that just cause I eat either her cookies or ice cream. Let's me not talk about how she cries over "what makes you beautiful by one direction" I mean she cries cause the girl don't know she is beautiful. Isn't it a pop song?

Well let's say it been quiet eventful with all the crying and training and me always going to the store. Oh please help me!!!

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