Chapter 15

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Ally's pov

3 months after the battle

Things have been amazing our life is like a party. And Alex is pregnant! How amazing is that? Me and Dylan want to wait till Alex has her child cause we doing need to pregnant females in one house I think I will be a first class B word. If you know what I am saying.

Well anyways Anna and Abby are actually not my sisters but they are twins those are the new girls by the way if you seem to forgot. Nikki and Morgan adopted a little boy his name is Jordan he is so adorable he has blonde hair blue eyes.

Yeah everyone now lives in the castle. Dylan gets annoyed sometimes cause we are always out of food. Hey you got grown men and ladies and a pregnant women what do you expect?

Dylan and me are getting married in fall. It will be beautiful. Lola is actually planing our wedding and I am planning hers and Tyler's so yeah. We are tying to see who's wedding is better and no cheating. But it is actually fun.

Yeah everyone's love life is pretty good we all go on dates on Fridays and we all get together for dinner and movies and sometimes we have sleepovers. Everyone finished school we made sure of that. Um but life has been pretty good. Until Alex starts fighting with Toby now that is a fight.

"Oh you better come out Toby I will burn this place to the ground" Alex screamed

"I am sorry I went to McDonalds with out you" he yelled back

" and Starbucks don't forget Starbucks and your 3 month pregnant mate sits at home with nothing!" She yelled

"I went with the guys yell at them to" he said

"This isn't over Toby" she yelled while sitting on the couch

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah just peachy" she said still angry

"You want some ice cream?" I asked and she nodded

After that all of us girls had movie day ate ice cream and told what our mates did to cause us to get so angry. It ended up us laughing and smiling and we all passed out in the theater room it was so fun it reminds me of the old days. More like last week.... mate struggles.

I woke up the next morning in my mates arms how the heck did that happen? haha someone missed their ally last night!

I managed to get out of his grip to get a shower and get ready for the day me and the girls are going to hangout around the pool and yeah. I saw the girls sitting by the pool and alex is in a bikini why?

"why are you in a bikini you are pregnant?" i asked

"i still have an amazing baby pack to show?" she said in a duh tone

"sorry my bad" i rolled my eyes

"i saw that!!" she said angry oh man i made a pregant lady mad

The day was good the girls and I hung out and the guys were doing pack stuff well basically everything that helps werewolf environments. Yeah I know I am not the best Queen! Like aren't queens like suppose to use all the kings money? well that's what I thought just kidding we are just very lazy and we make men do all the work we sound like horrible people! Oh well I would rather be eating ice cream and watch Netflix!!!!

Later that night there was a huge storm and we sat and watched movies until the power went off. None of use were scared until the guys played a prank on us! All the guys said they would tried to find flash lights so they left. They his their scents then snuck up on us making us scream out lungs out. Let's say they slept on the couch that night well maybe week....

Let's say today had it's ups and downs but it sure was fun!!!!!


I know hate I just had a hard month....

But I am super sorry I am hoping to update every weekend but I am not sure what day I will post it though!:)

And please comment some ideas:)


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And thanks so much for everything love you guys!!!:)

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