Auto-Focus SS

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Ever since you moved in with Stiles, everything he does around the house has started to piss you off. Should we name a few?

1: When he leaves the kitchen or office a mess.

"I swear it's like he doesn't know the meaning of the word clean," you mumbled to yourself  as you grabbed the washcloth and began to clean the dishes.

Stiles had a habit of leaving everything he used to cook dinner out, not cleaning up the spills he's made, and stacking every dish he's used in the sink with no plans to clean it up afterwards.

It didn't bother you the first couple times because he took initiative and made you dinner; however, it only went downhill from there.

It was 24/7. If you wanted to kitchen clean, you basically had to station yourself in it as he cooked.

"Stiles!" you yelled, "Would it kill you to clean up after you cook?"

His head poked out of the office, "Sorry, Scott called about some research I did!"

He went back in and rummaged through the office before rushing out of the house to meet up with the rest of the pack. 

You had finished cleaning up the kitchen when it hit you that Stiles probably ransacked the office. You made wear steps towards the office, and saw everything scattered across the desks and the ground.

You let out an exasperated yell before starting to clean up the mess that Stiles always made.

2: When he leaves his dirty clothes everywhere.

You swear it's like he forgets that someone else lives with him sometimes. You would walk into your shared bedroom after class and his clothes would be thrown all over the room.

What really amazed you is how he inevitably left his dirty clothes right beside the hamper. It just seemed too hard for him to open the lid and dump them into it.

Most days, you felt like a maid cleaning up after him. It really pissed you off that he couldn't do the simple things like get his shit off of the floor.

3: When he hogs the TV.

Since the two of you are kind of low on funds to get things(entertainment wise) for the house, there's only one TV.

It was rare that you had time to watch TV due to your job or stuff with college; however, when you wanted to, Stiles was knee deep into a match of Fortnite with no plans of leaving soon.

You would ask him if you could get it for one episode, and he would say yes, but completely forget about your agreement as he started up a new game.

"Stiles? Are you done yet?" you questioned as you walked into the living room.

His eyes were fixated on the screen. A string of profanities ghost through his lips ever so often.

"Stiles!" you yelled to get his attention.

He jumped and glanced at you before answering, "What you need, beautiful?"

"Am I going get the TV anytime tonight?" The annoyance was clear in your voice.

The question went right over his head as he refocused his attention on the game. You rolled your eyes as you went back into your shared room and slammed the door.

4:When he wakes you up throughout the night from coming in and out of the house.

With Stiles helping Scott keep Beacon Hills safe, he's always running in and out of the house at crazy hours.

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