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After that night, Kellin went to drop me off and waited for me to get inside.

I freaking love him.


I think I scared myself. Love is a strong word. Like is what I should use.


I freaking like him.

Yeah oh ok.

Anyways I'm heading into my store when I notice someone hanging there.

Damn it. Did I run late again? I told myself as I look at my watch. It say [10:30] in the morning as I open at 10:50.

I walk up to see it's Kellin holding something and as I get closer it's a bouquet of flowers.

Hey Kellin. I said as I look at the flowers and they are so beautiful.

These are for you! Kellin said as he gave them to me.

I open my door to the store as I sat them into a vase that was there for decorations.

So what brings Kellin to my store? I asked playfully.

Well I was just walking around into town when I passed by a flower shop and wanted to get you something. Kellin said and I blushed.

Really? I asked.

Yup. Kellin said.

Well that was very cheesy of you but thank you for buying me them. I said staring at him.

Well since I'm here, I was wondering of you'll like to go to a party with me. Kellin said and I nodded.

Awesome! Pick you up at 8:00. He said and I nodded.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left as I hild onto my cheek shocked.


[3 hours later....]

It was rush hour when I got a call from Mike.

M: hey can I come to your store. I need to tell you something very VERY important.

V: yeah sure Mike. And I may need you to help me so bye

M: bu-

I hang up as I ring up a costumer and continue to work.

I really hate rush hour.

[Few minutes later....]

I was fixing some books when I saw Mike coming in.

Hey Mike! I said as I give him the books I had. I point where as he gives me a look and puts it there.

So what was the VERY very important thing you needed to tell me? I said heading to the back.

Well......... I blacked out because even if Mike is my baby brother he can be annoying sometimes. And I wonder how Tony does it.

I want to marry Tony.

WAIT! WHAT! I said which brought me back into reality.

Weren't you listening to me? He said annoyed.

Nope. I said as Mike sigh.

I was saying that me and Tony been together for 5 years and you know that getting married as gay people is illegal now so I want to marry him. He said and my mind was blown away.

But how can you get the money? Your job doesn't even give you a good pay check. I said

I know but...... He pulls out a folded paper in which he unravels to be a Battle of the Bands Contest.

Battle of the Bands is where you can show how amazing your band can be. You'll be up against many other bands and at the end the top 3 bands will perform to show which one is the best of them all. 1st place will win a grand total of $1,000 and have there song shown by a world famous record deal. Are you and your band up to the test?

Come on down to Top Park in March 26 and sign up! See you there!

Mike..... I said

Your dumb. I said as Mike gave me a dirty look.

Who in the hell do you know that sings, plays guitar, and drums? I asked.

You can to sing and play guitar, tony can play guitar, Jaime can play bass, and I can play drums. Mike said all happily.

Mike it's been a fucking long time since I sang and play guitar and I have a business to run. And the last time I was in a band, Before Today, we broke up and don't you remember how fucked up I was. I said not wanting to remember those feelings and memories.

Yes, I remember but please Vic I want to marry Tony his my soulmate Vic. I love him ever since i met him when we were 16. I love him Vic and I want to spend my whole life with him. Mike said begging me.

You know I love Mike like family so I'll do it. For you and Tony. I said smiling.

He went to give me a hug before I stopped him

I will be your best man right? I said as Mike laugh and gave me a hug.

You will Vic. He said as I smiled just thinking of my baby brother getting marry.

Yeah [Kellic]Where stories live. Discover now