Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Do you like it?” Aaron was asking me, as I looked at myself in the mirror.

A week had gone by since he’d taken me swimming at the river and I’d slept over at his apartment. We had met every night since then- to study or to hang out.

Aaron hadn’t brought up the night when I didn’t show up, or how I had treated him the day after.

That night, he’d allowed me to pay for his pancakes. He didn’t act differently. If anything, he was happier than usual. For the rest of the nights though, there was a line in our relationship.

We would hang out, we would talk, but not once did he try to kiss me again.

Finally, I had allowed him to show me around “The Pent”. The Pent was really only a street that was flooded with stores on either side of it.

I had to admit that most of the stores were really cool. We’d only just entered the third store and I was already carrying a few shopping bags.

I hadn’t even remembered the last time I had gone shopping before today.

“I do, but I also like the blue one,” I replied.

Aaron handed me the blue scarf. I hadn’t been able to decide on which one I wanted.

“Just take them both,” Aaron told me, shrugging.

“Which one do you think looks better?” I asked, turning my body to face him.

“I like the green one, but the blue looks good too,” Aaron said, as he stood next to me.

He put his arm around my shoulder, pressing the side of my body to him. I continued to stare at the mirror. This time, I wasn’t looking at the scarf around my neck. I was looking at Aaron- and me. I loved how we looked next to each other.

Aaron had a playful smile on his lips. He was looking at me, and it didn’t escape me how happy his eyes looked.

“Either one looks great on you,” he said again.

I assumed he thought I was thinking over which scarf to pick.

I turned up to look at Aaron, my body shifting so that I was now standing directly in front of him.

I wasn’t sure why I did it, but I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I brought his lips down on mine. The moment our lips made contact, it was like something inside of me exploded. I couldn’t describe what I was feeling, or how good his lips felt pressed against mine.

It took Aaron a moment to react to what I was doing. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and took over the kiss.

Our lips were moving in sync, almost teasing each other to see who was more dominant. I felt him pull away, only to lightly bite my lower lip. I pressed myself closer against his body, not wanting the moment to end.

It did, however, and it was by something unexpected.

Aaron pulled away from me.

“We can’t do this,” he said breathlessly, as he pressed his forehead against mine. I could feel his uneven breathing blowing softly over my face.

He was much taller than me, so he’d been leaning down and was practically carrying all my weight with his arms around me.

I didn’t say anything after he made that comment. I couldn’t. I had pushed him away before, so it was only fair that he did the same thing to me now.

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