INTRODUCTION (just for you)

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Just for you to know that my heart is still intact and undisturbed, I write you this letter to show you that I am not just a man, I am better, stronger and wittier than that.

Just for you to know that my voice is still as loud and clear as it were before and after I met you, then you left me; yet my voice remain sweeter, healthier and happier than ever.

I am writing the entire world about us like we were just fiction books and we truly do not exist. But, how can we not exist. How can we erase those memories and paint a new one against the wall we shared?

This is JUST FOR YOU readers and writers of literatures, THE WORLD AROUND US is mighty and indefinite, we can't plan ahead because we own not fate. We all are in a life sentence waiting for our time of execution.

Don't mind all I have said so far, this is supposed to be a welcome note ushering you to an amazing new style of literature. Enjoy it and please don't forget to drop your nice words and comments.
Thanks ♥

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