Misconception of Love

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Does it really have to mean love

For a girl to desire a friendly relationship?

Do you have to think it is weakness

For her to trust your judgement?

Woman not a weaker vessel feminine feminism and feminist

Don’t you ever think of me as I weaker vessel

I am certainly not

I am simply as human as you are

And you aren’t more human than I am.

I don’t dress up to seek your love

So don’t be confused,

When I rock sexy dresses and have my hair done

I desire to look good because I deserve it

And good look looks good on me

Your eyes can see it

Your heart beats to it

And your soul yarn for my body

But my body is free, and yet expensive

It doesn’t require your money

So don’t get it twisted,

Neither money nor love drew me closer to you

I only wanted a good friend

I thought I saw that in you.

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