Nobody Cares

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Actually you can’t deceive everyone

With your smile and your pity face

We know none of us really matter to you

I or the next lady is just a tool you need to get what you want

Now that you want to have kids of your own

You appear here like you are truly responsible

Your shirt well ironed and your shoes arrranged

Your hair neatly cut and your house well kept

You call my phone every minute like your life depends on it

You sing each day to me like you won a Grammy

Just when I say YES I DO,

You’ll undo your pants and unveil your plans

And this is just the beginning of your true colors

Your sweet Grammy voice becomes sour with words of mockery

Your phones stop working and my calls get forwarded

Ah, that’s just the beginning

The world sees no fault in your ways; aren’t you the man of the house?

Now that you have gotten what you wanted

Who cares?


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