Chapter 2

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~At the gates~
Elari sat in one of the many rows of gate B-10. She anxiously stared out the window, at the different planes. Her excitement was growing as each minute passed. The girl pulled out her phone to check at what time the plane would begin boarding. '8 am' it read. Only five minutes left until the plane would accept its passengers. She sighed and looked at her phone, on the lock screen was a picture that V had taken. A beautiful, yellow hibiscus flower surrounded by green leaves. Although she knew it would probably never happen, Elari hoped to meet him one day. Soon enough a voice over the intercom announced that they were now boarding.She sprung up onto her feet, and grabbed her bags. In less than 24 hours, she would be in Seoul, Korea. Elari walked into the gate and soon enough sat down in her seat. She pulls out her book 'In The Dark' and quickly continues to read.

~18 hours later~

"Miss? Miss wake up," Elari felt someone shaking her arm. In front of her, a handsome man; tall, with turquoise hair and two beautiful eyes to match. "You're awake, I see," he smiles. Elari nodded, still bewildered by the sudden appearance of this elegantly handsome man. She looked around.When did she fall asleep? The last thing she could remember, she had been reading her book, and someone had sat down next to her, she had never bothered to look up. "Where are we?" Elari tucked her book into her bag and looked back up at the mysterious prince."We're in Korea, we just arrived."He opened the window beside him so that she could peer outside. It was true, the sky was blue and the sun shining bright. "Oh. Thank you for waking me up. I should get my bags, shouldn't I?" She smiled, how awkward could she possibly get?

He smiled and nodded, "Can I come with you? I forgot how to get to the baggage claim and well.. It would be nice to make a new friend, don't you think?" Does he seriously want to be HER friend? Really? "I don't see why not?" She said, getting up from her seat and gathering her things.They both make their way to the front of the plane, and walk out of the gates. They walk together quietly, the silence was cut short however, when the beautiful man looks to her. "What brings you to Korea, if you don't mind me asking?" Elari glances at him and back to the hall. "Me? I'm moving here to start my studies, what about you? What brings you to Seoul?" She adjusted her bag and searched for the signs to the baggage claim. "I was visiting America, but I live here," he responded, still following her.

"Hm.. If you live here, shouldn't you know your way around the airport?" Elari turned her head a little. He scratched his head, embarrassed. "Well.. I don't usually come to the airport, haha.." He looked away. Elari shrugged, "Understandable. Hey I don't even know your name yet." She found her bag and tried to pull it from the conveyer belt, but it was too heavy. "Allow me." The kind man said as he gripped the luggage and pulled it off the conveyer belt and handed the bag to her. "My name is Jihyun Kim," he looked at her thoughtfully.

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