competition smarts part 1

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sorry for not updating earlier i was going through something and i re read the last chapter that i only put Astoria, joy and hawk but i forgot to put in andrianna and in the 4th round it will be percy and annabeth against hawk and andrianna.

Annabeth/rose POV 

Ok the competition is smarts so thats me vs Astoria i think i have a pretty good chance at winning. But im still scared, i mean what if the cheat or i get to confident oh well here goes nothing.

" Each question will be one from the Greek mythology and the next from the fairy tail category and so on, btw good luck annabeth i know already your gonna win and not lets us down" After chiron was done with his speech and going over everything we began. Jason was the one to announce the questions   

Lets hope i win " the 1st question was does jack climb up the beanstalk to find?" BUZZ dammit she hit it before me " a giant " "correct" after he said that one word she looked towards me smiling at me with the look that i hate above every other look the IM.BETTER.THAN.YOU, im going to wipe that smug look straight of her face i was now gripping my dager so tight that some blood was leeching out of my hands. Jason saw my pissed of look so he carried on alot faster before i could rip her head of " who is the king of gods " BUZZ " ha seriously drama queen oops i mean Zeus " " correct btw percy is starting to have an effect on you " " woo go my wise girl wait superman whats thats suppose to mean " oh seaweed brain. it carried on like that for a while with me leading with 4 and her only with 2, but the last one is the only one thats counts oh please be in Greek mythology. 

" here is the last question  who is the god or goddess that turned medusa into the a gorgon and why " i was just about to press it when Astoria beat me to it " that is so simple it was Poseidon because he cheated on him " she gave of the look like she was the winner when " incorrect " her face had the look like all her dreams had be shattered " it was my mother Athena who had cursed her because seaweed brain dad Poseidon  who done it with her while she had a vow with my mother and had broken it so she punished her " " correct and annabeth has won " " WHAT no she must of cheated somehow she is just a dumb bitch ho could she have won " Astoria started screaming when she got caught of with a flash when it disappeared my mother stood there looking as beautiful as she always does " you stupid human you were the only i caught cheating so you better shut that little mouth and run off before you make me do something i regret " " oh yea ho are you cause last time i checked your just as human as me " ME HUMAN IM THE GODDESS ATHENA NOW RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU " Her face was hilarious like she was about to pee herself " hi mum " " hi annabeth i have to go but i will talk to you after this whole competition bye sweety"  " bye mum "

"on to the next round"     

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