Hawks and Adrianna plan fails

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No ones POV 

On their way back to camp to finish the competition Percy and Annabeth got separated. On his way trying to find Annabeth, Percy bumped into Adrianna.

Adrianna POV 

Now is the perfect time to put the plan to action butter him up and wait to strike when Annabeth is standing their

Percy POV 

where did Annabeth go how did we even get separated in the first place when he suddenly felt something bump into him when he looked down he saw.  " uh hey Adrianna have you seen Annabeth" i tried asking nicely so i can get anyway from this crazy girl " no why are you looking for her when you have me right in front of you " she keeps batting her eyelashes is something in them ( percy you dense seaweed brain ) " uh because she is my girlfriend and i love her " 

i suddenly felt something on my lips i looked up to find Adrianna trying to suck my face of ewwwww get it of me i said mentally screaming and tried to get her of me when she gets ripped of and punched unconscious i look and to see annabeth with anger in her eyes and started crying calling me a cheater i went over and hugged her and told her what was happening and gave her kisses on the crown of her head to calm her down and it was seeming to work when i looked into her eyes i found determination and love and even more anger just not pointed at me this time  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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