Chapter 1

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Autumns p.o.v

I sat in my best friend, josies room listening to music with her. We've been best friends since the first day of pre school and we are juniors in high school now. We haven't been apart from each other for more than three days our entire lives.

" do we even plan on sleeping tonight?" She turned to me and asked. " probably not" I replied as I shoveled more popcorn into my mouth.

We heard banging from down stairs and Josie turned up our music. I knew it was her older brother Danny drumming in the basement. " will you go tell him to stop?" She asked me.

"Why can't you tell him?" I asked, suddenly clamming up. " I don't wanna get up" she said. I hugged as I got up and walked out her door.

I fixed my hair and clothes as I headed towards the basement. I've always had a crush on him but who wouldn't. He's tall, dark, and handsome.

Not to mention he's a drummer and a good one. But Josie would cut off all of my limbs if she knew I liked him. I stood outside the basement door and pressed my ear up against it.

I imagined what he looked like while he was playing. I've been to their shows a lot because I'm a huge fan of their music. Josie doesn't like to go, she says she hears it enough at home.

I sighed and opened the door. He had his eyes closed as he bit his lip in concentration. "Daniel" I yelled. He stopped and looked up at me.

A wide smile spread across his face as he pulled his earphone out of his ear. " spring I didn't know you were over" he said using the nick name he gave me, because my name is a season.

" can you keep it down a little Josie is going crazy" I told him. " tell her rock and roll never sleeps" he said then winked. I suppressed my smile by biting my lip.

" well then you can deal with it" I told him as I turned to walk out. " tell her I'll switch to guitar" he said then stood up from the stool.

I turned and leaned in the door way. He plugged in his electric guitar and tuned it. He looked at me and smirked as he started playing foxy lady by Jimi Hendrix.

He started walking towards me as he played and I felt my knees about to give out. " as long as you keep it down I'm sure you'll be fine" I told him.

I shut the door behind me and let out a deep breath. I gathered myself back up and jogged back up the stairs. " he said rock and roll never sleeps" I told Josie as I flopped down on her bed.

She groaned and stormed out of her room assumingely going down stairs. I closed my eyes and listened to his guitar. The sound stopped and Josie came back up stairs.

" how'd it go?" I asked her as she stormed back in. " I threatened to throat chop him and he stopped" she told me as she flopped down next to me.

" do you want to watch a movie?" She asked. I nodded knowing that the biggest tv in the house, was in Danny's room. She turned our music off and walked down the hall to Danny's room.

She turned on the lights and turned the tv on. We picked a scary movie and laid down on his giant bed. " why does he get such a big bed and you get a twin size" I asked her.

" he's the golden child" she joked. I turned the lights off and jumped back in his bed with her. " at least if we owe ourselves it won't be in your bed" I told her and she laughed.

The suspense in the movie was coming up and we knew something was gonna jump out. Suddenly the door swung open and Danny walked in in just a towel. " why are you in my room" he asked.

" so if we pee ourselves it's not on her bed" I explained as my heart rate started to slow down. " I think I did a little" Josie stammered, still clutching her heart. He quickly grabbed his clothes and walked out.

I couldn't pry my eyes away from his torso the entire time he was in there but thank god it was dark. After a little while Josie fell asleep.

Danny knocked on the door and came in. He looked at Josie and walked around the bed and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her to her bed and came back.

" do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asked as he walked into his room. " sam is on his way over you can hang out with us if you aren't tired" he told me and I blushed.

" sounds fun" I told him as I snuggled further under his comforter. He set up the video game he and sam are gonna play as I watched. His phone went off and he got up and walked out and down the stairs.

I sighed to myself and looked around the room. Daniel actually wants to hang out with me and offered to watch a movie with me. I tried to slow my breathing down as they walked into the room. " what's up summer" sam said as he sat next to me on dannys bed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. I laid on the bed as they played their game and yelled at each other. I watched YouTube videos on my phone and listened to the boys in the back ground.

They turned off their game and sam laid down next to me, on top of the blanket. " you just not gonna sleep tonight?" He asked me. " I'm not tired" I told him. Danny got up and went to the kitchen and Sam and I watched conspiracy theory videos.

Danny came back with popcorn and laid on the other did of me. We stayed up all night and talked to each other. " wow it's 7 am" I said looking at the time on my phone.

I looked over and saw sam was already asleep. I looked up at Danny and laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

The kissing booth//danny Wagner Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon