Chapter 3

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Autumns p.o.v

I walked into josies house and up to her room. " Josie?" I asked as I walked in. She wasn't in her room or the bathroom. I looked around the house and she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I walked downstairs and to the basement where I hear music coming from. I opened the door and saw all the boys practicing.

I walked in and sat down on top of Sams amp. " Daniel where's Josie?" I asked him. " she spent the night at Laura's house" he told me. " you can spend the night with us" jake told me.

" you guys are spending the night?" I asked them. " band sleepover" josh told me. " you don't have to but it'll be fun" Danny told me, trying to persuade me to stay.

" ok you win I'll stay" I told them and they clapped. I walked up to the microphone and sang one of their songs while they played." That actually wasn't bad" sam told me.

" wow what a compliment" I told him as I sat back down on his amp. I watched Danny drum as they practiced for an upcoming show. He looks so hot when he drums, he looks hot all the time.

They got done practicing and we headed back upstairs to sit in the living room. I sat on the couch and Danny started to put on a movie. Jake sat on the left of me and covered himself with a blanket. Sam sat in front of me on the ground and josh sat over in the recliner.

Danny sat to the right of me on the couch and I shared my blanket with him. The movie started and sam started asking questions about it. " are you gonna talk the entire movie?" I asked him. He turned around and head butted my knee and I frowned.

I slapped his forehead and he turned back around. I felt dannys pinkie start to rub the side of my thigh and I tensed up.

I looked around to see if any of the boys noticed as he slid his hand further and further on my thigh. I glanced over at him to see his eyes fixed on the tv.

He ran his fingers up and down my thigh and traced shapes on my skin for the duration of the movie. I slid my hand under the blanket and took his hand in mine.

I glanced over and saw a small smile on his face. I looked around and saw jake asleep next to me and sam with his head leaned back on my knees, asleep.

Josh was scrolling through his phone glancing back and forth between his screen and the end of the movie. I looked over at Danny and smiled.

" good movie" he said as he got up. " alright it's bed time" josh yawned. I woke sam up by running my fingers through his hair. " bed time sammy don't sleep on the floor" I told him as he opened his eyes.

He leaned forward and I got up and covered josh with a blanket. " goodnight winter" he yawned. " goodnight Joshua" I said.

" goodnight" "they said in a chorus as I followed Danny upstairs. He reached the top of the stairs and turned to me. He brought his hand up to my face and held my chin between his index finger and thumb.

He titled my face up to his and slowly leaned in. He placed his soft lips on mine and shock ran through my body. We pulled away and I stared into his eyes.

He chuckled and messed up my hair. " goodnight summer" he told me. " it's autumn" I corrected him. " ok fall goodnight" he said before placing another kiss on my lips then winked at me.

He turned and walked to his room and nodded to me. I followed him to his room and he took his shirt off and laid down. He patted the bed me t to him and I hesitantly laid down with him.


" autumn, wake up before josie gets home" danny said to me, gently shaking me awake." Hmm?" I asked groggily as I rubbed my eyes." Josie will be back soon, you can go downstairs or to jojos room" he told me.

He kissed my forehead then turned over and covered himself with his blanket. " danny what is happening?" I asked him as I got up.

I patiently waited for his response, my stomach turning in on itself. I watched him turn over on his back, pushing his hair out of his face.

He sighed as I crossed my arms and looked down to my feet. In a perfect world he'd say " I've always loved you autumn, but I was always too nervous to talk to you, will you be my girlfriend?" But i know thats just my high expectations.

" we will talk about it when I wake up" he said sincerely." All we know now is josie cant know" he added. " thats for sure" I responded.

I lingered for a few moments longer before heading downstairs." Morning"
I heard jake say from the floor." Why are you up?" I asked as i approached him. I sat down next to him and tucked my legs under his blanket.

" i dont sleep much i wake up at 7 every morning" he told me. He sat up against the couch and I did too. I felt someone pat my head and I turned to see sam awake.

" sam quit touching me go to sleep" I laughed. he smiled lazily before rolling over and falling back asleep. " why are you up?" He asked me as he settled on watching spongebob.

" i wake up at this time too" I lied. I heard the front door open and I knew I got out of dannys room just in time.

" what are you doing here?" She asked me." I came over and I saw you werent here but they convinced me to stay" i told her.

" well im going back to bed" she told me as she trudged upstairs." Shes always so perky in the morning" jake joked.

I sighed to myself, forseeing the trouble I'm getting myself into.

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