Chapter 2

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Autumns p.o.v

I woke up in dannys bed alone. I sat up and looked around for any sight of the guys. I got up and checked the time. " get dressed we gotta go to school" Josie told me as she put on her uniform.

I brushed my hair and teeth in her bathroom and put my uniform on. We got a ride to school with her dad and Danny took his motorcycle. " have you come up with an idea for the fundraiser?" Josie inquired as we walked through the front doors of our school.

" I don't know" I sighed as we approached our lockers. I felt someone walk up behind me and put their hand on the small of my back. I looked over to see dannys band mate, jake.

He opened his locker right beside mine and I closed mine. " any ideas for a fundraiser?" I asked him. " what about a kissing booth?" He smirked.

I felt like a lightbulb went off over both mine and josies heads. " Jacob you're the best" we screamed and hugged him. He chuckled and thanked us.

" I'll catch you guys later" jake said as he walked away and winked. " he's so into you why won't he make a move?" Josie asked. " no he's not jo" I told her.

We headed to our first class and I sat down in front of jake.he immediately handed me a slip of paper with his number on it. I turned around and he smiled. I glanced over at Danny and he was making a face in our direction.

" I was wondering if you wanted to go to the board walk tonight?" He asked me. I turned to him and nodded. " I'd love to" I told him and he smiled at me.

The bell rang and we walked out of the class. " what was that?" Danny asked me as he caught up with me after class. " nothing he gave me his number and we are hanging out tonight is all" I told him, trying to suppress my smile.

"We'll see about that" he said after a long pause then walked away from me. " what the hell does that mean?" I asked myself as I walked to josies locker. " jake asked me on a date" I told her and she squealed.

" we are gonna have a meeting this hour for the kissing booth" she told me. " let me do all the talking ok" I told her and she nodded.

She pretended to shut and lock her lips then throw away the key. We walked in and stood at the podium before the student council. " ok what is your idea?" One of the asked.

" well we would like to do a kissing booth" I started to explain. " will Danny Wagner and friends be there?" On of them asked. " oh there's no way" Josie started before I cut her off.

" of course! They are the ones who suggested it, they will 100% be there" I lied. Josie looked at me and sighed. " perfect! You are approved" the president said as she wrote down our names.

We walked out and Josie started punching me. " ow stop stop" I yelled as I cowered down. " you shouldn't hav skies like that you have better chances of Miley Cyrus becoming a nun then getting Daniel to do a kissing booth" she yelled.

" it's gonna work I promise" I told her. She huffed and crossed her arms." I hope you're right" she told me. I walked to my next class and thought about last night, how nice it was just to stay up all night and talk to sam and Danny.

The day ended and I headed to soccer practice. " Hey can you give me a ride home?" I asked Josie. " Danny will" she told me as we ran our lap.

" ask him about the kissing booth while you're at it" she told me. We finished up with soccer practice and I went and found Danny. " I heard I'm giving you a ride" he told me.  He handed me a helmet and I sighed.

" I have to ask you a favor" I told him. " and what would that be" he asked as he swung his leg over his bike. " we are doing a kissing booth as a fund raiser and I was wondering if you'd be interested" I started before he cut me off.

" absolutely not but hop on" he said as he patted the seat behind him. He started the bike and I got on the back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we took off.

I inhaled his scent and we cruised down the road. I laid my head on his back and squeezed him. For some reason, he makes me feel safe, even if we are on his motor cycle.

We arrived at my house and I hopped off. " thank you Daniel" I told him as I handed him back his spare helmet. " anytime winter" he told me then winked.

He took off and I watched him ride away. I remembered my date tonight with Jake and quickly ran inside and started getting ready. I hopped in the shower and washed up.

My phone went off and it showed a text from Jake. ' pick you up at 7' he put. I smiled to myself as I blow dried my boob length curly brown hair. I put on some makeup and put on a black dress.

I heard a horn outside and I looked out to see Jake. I ran downstairs and out the door. " hey" I said as I got in. He smiled at me and handed me a flower.

" awe thank you" I said to him. I hugged him and we took off to dinner and a movie. " so I have a question" I told him as we ate.

" shoot" he replied. " well since you came up with the idea, I was wondering if you wanted to work the kissing booth?" I asked nervously.

" of course I would" he told me excitedly. " I love kissing strangers" he told me, making me laugh. We finished our dinner and went to our movie. He didn't pull anything, which surprised me.

But I had fun to say the least.

The kissing booth//danny Wagner Where stories live. Discover now